Our Mission

Our Projects

Rights in Exile

The Rights in Exile platform aims to achieve better protection of refugees' rights by networking legal aid providers with resources, expertise and training, and providing refugees with access to free legal assistance and information.

Therapeutic Legal Assistance Model

AMERA works with organisations offering legal assistance to share knowledge and develop capacity on issues relevant to our Therapeutic Legal Assistance Model. Resources, guidelines and training are available for legal aid providers.

Afghanistan: Legal Aid and Pathways, Information and Support

AMERA International works to identify and develop legal aid, information and support for displaced Afghans, and those seeking to flee. This includes collaboration with regional networks on legal and MHPSS needs, and with international legal organisations to make available resources on legal pathways.

Deportation Monitoring Network

The Network advances protection by connecting those facing deportation with information and support in the country of return. It strengthens systematic documentation of post-deportation risks and human rights violations. By doing so, we aim to inform litigation, and influence policies of asylum and destination countries through evidence-based advocacy.

Coordination, Networks and Advocacy

AMERA International pursues projects and collaboration with like-minded organisations to develop quality legal aid provision. If you are interested in discussing potential partnerships, or you need information, advice or assistance please contact us.