Tuvalu Pro Bono Directory

Tuvalu does not host refugees according to UNHCR statistics.

For Tuvalu country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

We have not yet identified any NGO or law firm that is offering refugees legal assistance in Tuvalu. We would welcome suggestions of individuals or organizations.

Tuvalu, a small island in the South Pacific with just under 10,000 inhabitants, is severely suffering the consequences of climate change. Tuvalu itself emits almost no pollution, the country has very few cars, hardly uses electricity and petrol, and produces nearly no rubbish. Experts say this is the first nation that will be submerged by 2050. With the changes in temperature, moisture levels, and radiation, Tuvalu will soon face heightened levels of epidemics such as malaria and dengue.