
Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Tanzania.

For Tanzania country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Mamas’ Hope Organization for Legal Assistance (MHOLA)

Head Office: P.O. Box 1240, Bukoba, Tanzania / Hanyama street, Rwamishenyi Ward – approx. 2km from Bukoba Town centre in Kagera region
Mama’s Hope Organization for Legal Assistance (MHOLA) Bukoba-Tanzania
Shose Katende(Adv), Executive Director / Saulo Malauri, Managing Director; P.O.Box 1240 Bukoba; 0754 869556 Malauri
Tel: +255 75 48 69 556
Email: malaurisaulo@yahoo.com

Contact Persons: Shose Katende (Adv), Executive Director or Saulo Malauri, Managing Director

We have the legal aid clinic twice a week in the office, we have three rooms for counseling and advice. We also have the branch office in Muleba District, and we do outreach for legal aid twice a month.

Tel: +255 75 48 69 556
Fax: +255 75 48 69 556
Email: mhola2006@yahoo.com
Opening Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-15:00

MHOLA provides legal aid to refugees in Bukoba, and operate a legal aid clinic twice a week in their office in Bukoba. They also run a branch office in Muleba District, where they provide outreach for legal aid twice a month. Their office is open for women and children who seek assistance. MHOLA performed professional legal support such as providing legal counselling, advice, drafting relevant documents including letters and legal documents, and also provide professional representation in court if needed. It is worth noting that the majority of the staff are former UNHCR staff members and other Implementing Partners staff that have worked in refugee operations; they have experience in addressing issues related to refugees’ protection, handling cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) as well as Health Promotion concerns of the target population.

Refugee Self Reliance Program

P.O. Box is 34238,Dar es Salaam
Tel: +255 74 17 08 544
Fax: +255 22 28 60 421
Email: refugee.selfreliance.initiative@gmail.com

The organisation was created to respond to the needs of refugees living in urban areas, outside camp structures. These refugees are often compelled to leave camps due to fears for their security or for other reasons, only to find that humanitarian agencies are unable to meet their needs.

RSI attempts to intervene on behalf of these refugees. RSI helps refugees regularization of their stay; gives social assistance and contributions to help its members with the basic necessities; offers evening classes for urban refugee children not attending school; uses the contributions of its members to engage in development projects, including a tailoring micro-project; carries out trainings and information sessions around various themes.


Hosted by:

Justice Lugakingira House, Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam; P.O.Box 75254 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 22 27 73 048 or +255 71 24 71 006
Email: salan@humanrights.or.tz or annahenga2000@hotmail.com

The Southern African Legal Assistance Network (SALAN) is 12 organisations which provide legal assistance in the SADC region. Their project, the SALAN Refugee, Asylum Seekers and Economic Migrants Project, is led by LRF-Zambia. The project was initiated in 2002 to promote and protect the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants in East and South African region. Activities conducted regional research on refugee legislation, publication of refugee manual, study tours of refugee camps in Zambia, Tanzania and Namibia and national workshops to discuss the legal status and challenges faced by refugees in the two countries.

Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service (TCRS)

P.O. Box 3955, Plot 436 Mikocheni II,  Old Bagamoyo Road,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 22 27 00 579
Fax: +255 22 27 00 581
Email: mail@tcrs.or.tz
For details of other offices and specific staff Emails: http://www.tcrs.or.tz/index.php/contacts

TCRS tries reduce poverty and human suffering by empowering the vulnerable and displaced communities in Tanzania to achieve self-reliance.

TCRS runs a refugee project in the Kibondo district which is responsible for management, water and sanitation, food and non-food distribution, shelter, primary, secondary and vocational education, and camp infrastructure. The program serves 85,000 Burundian refugees in four camps. There are also three central warehouses and a system of transportation run by TCRS that allows 20,000 tons of food to be distributed to refugees each year.

The project also works to enhance refugee self-reliance, using food production and micro-enterprise in the camps. More recently the project has been able to create a vocational training centre and apprenticeship training program. TCRS is also active in national advocacy on behalf of refugees in Tanzania, particularly in lobbying to allow for the free movement of refugees outside of the camps where they are currently confined.

Tanzania Assistance for Laws Awareness and Development Organisation (TALADO)

P.O. Box 110070, Kimara-Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam, Branch at 1540 Iringa.
Tel: +255 22 71 36 58 141 or +255 22 76 76 58 141
Contact Person: Blastus Kahemela, Director and Legal officer
Email: taladoorganisation@yahoo.co.uk

TALADO is an NGO registered in 2010 that provides legal aid to refugees and other vulnerable groups through their offices in Iringa, Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Mwanza and Mtwara. A second planned phase of operations is to visit refugee camps in Kigoma and Kagera and later on, refugee settlements. Legal aid is provided pro bono.

Plot No 7, Block Q, Mtendeni Street, Dodoma
Tel: +026 23 22 960
Fax: +026 23 22 960
Mobile: +255 74 83 53 554
Email: vilactz@yahoo.com


The Children’s Dignity Forum (CDF)

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To contact CDF please use the contact form on their website

The CDF is a voluntary, private, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit-making Civil Society children’s rights organization based in Dar es Salaam. The CDF provides a forum for dialogue and discussion on issues affecting children. It seeks to explore new and contentious issues. One of its aims is to raise awareness to the public on child rights violations, particularly child marriage and FGM/C.

Inter Africa Committee Tanzania Dodoma Chapter

Box 759, Dodoma – Tanzania
Tel: +255 26 2323779
Mobile: +255 754 599876

The Inter Africa Committee Tanzania Dodoma Chapter was formed in order to initiate and carry out programmes for combating traditional practices that are harmful to the society in general and to the health of women and children, in particular FGM/C. They conduct training on the negative effects of FGM/C and the urgency to prevent and abolish it in order to improve women’s and children’s health. They organize seminars and symposia that contribute with information and education to public health professionals.

Kamilika Stop FGM

1944 Tijeras Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Contact Person: Kristin St. Clair

Kamilika is dedicated to eradicating FGM/C and raising global awareness about gender based violence. It is contributing to the global campaign to stop FGM/C by working directly with practitioners of FGM/C and members of their communities and by providing educational sponsorships for young girls.  Kamilika’s holistic approach is successfully eliminating the practice of FGM/C in villages of Northern Tanzania. Kamilika believes that FGM/C is a violation of the human rights of women and girls. They also sponsor girls at Noonkodin High School and safe house.

Network Against Female Genital Mutilation (NAFGEM)

Facebook | Twitter
P.O. Box 6314 Moshi
 Shanty Town, close to Rose Home along Bantu Union Street, 
Tel: (+255) 27 2755652

NAFGEM Tanzania is a network of individual members working towards the elimination of FGM/C, child marriages and other forms of violence against women and the girl child. They raise awareness on FGM/C and gender based violence through sensitization and awareness creation, women’s and girls’ socio-economic empowerment and by promoting girls’ education. NAFGEM provide safe shelter services, three shelters are currently available in Moshi, Lekrimuni and Orkesmet, and facilitate services to survivors of FGM/C and gender based violence (e.g. legal and health services).



To contact WTWT please use the contact form on their website

In response to local requests WTWT are planning a healthcare project for the whole community to cover: Community Sexual Health, HIV/AIDS and FGM/C. FGM/C is a sensitive issue because it is an ancient and respected tradition which graduates a girl to womanhood and marriageability. For this reason WTWT are arranging for training to be given by Maasai people who respect these traditions, and who work creatively with the whole community to challenge them and empower them to change in a positive way together. The trainers are from SAFE Maa who have had success in many Maasai communities, with many girls now progressing to womanhood without cutting. WTWT are working towards whole community decisions to stop practicing FGM/C, whilst keeping their ceremony for the rite of passage to womanhood.