Sweden Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Sweden.

For Sweden country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

w2eu.info – Welcome to Europe

Email: contact@w2eu.info or w2eu_info@yahoo.com

This hyperlink –w2eu.info – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. w2eu.info might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.

Caritas Sweden

John Paul II Pastoral Center
Box 2150,
Brunnsgränd 4,
103 14 Stockhom, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 5055 7672 or +467 0963 4501
Fax: +46 8 22 56 20
Contact Person: George Joseph
Email: gjoseph@caritas.se

Immigration and Refugee Affairs in Stockholm Catholic Diocese

Center for Refugee Solidarity

Facebook | Twitter
Malmo, Sweden
Tel: (+46) 072 512 23 39
Email: info@refugeesolidarity.org
Contact person: Nader G. Attar, Director
Email: nader.attar@refugeesolidarity.org
Contact person: Amr El Shora, Regional Director
Email: amr.shora@refugeesolidarity.org

The Center for Refugee Solidarity is an independent Sweden-based organization committed to monitor the situation of refugees in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and to advocate on their behalf. Making rights abuses visible through monitoring, documentation and advocacy, the Center for Refugee Solidarity aims to push key national and international stakeholders to ensure that the rights of refugees in the region are respected and upheld. We hope to compliment the work of Egyptian NGOs who work under severe restrictions.
The Center creates a platform for debate and exchange on issues surrounding displacement in the MENA region, bringing together practitioners, experts, academics and displaced persons. It monitors the situation of asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons and conducts in-depth research that will subsequently feed into evidence-based advocacy and campaigning on existing protection gaps.

Flyktinggruppernas Riksråd (FARR) – The Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups

FARR, Box 391, SE-101 27 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 8 710 02 45
For general inquiries please email here, or to contact specific person email here. For contact to local groups and organisations please click here to see the list.

The Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups, FARR, is a national network consisting of, helping and coordinating groups and individuals who work voluntarily for asylum rights at the grass root level. The members deal with asylum cases, participate in protests against unfair deportations, and support undocumented people. They produce information about asylum rights and procedure in several languages. Among the members are former asylum seekers, lawyers and other professionals, and all categories of people engaged in refugee rights. FARR’s national board gathers knowledge from local groups, acts as expert panel to give legal advice, and formulate demands to the decision makers and politicians.

To raise awareness of asylum policy and the experiences of asylum seekers and undocumented, FARR produces fact compilations, courses, videos and so on, and participate in public debates on refugee issues. Testimonies, opinions and information about facts and policy are spread via lectures, the website, temporary campaign sites, social media and by the quarterly magazine, Artikel 14. FARR cooperates with other human rights organisations at different levels. The main aims are that Sweden shall follow the international conventions on human rights and that the Swedish asylum policy in practice shall be governed by humanity, solidarity and equality.

Rädda Barnen Sweden (Save the Children)

Facebook | Twitter
Torsgatan 4, 107 88 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 69 89 137
Contact details for regional offices available on their website

Works with asylum seekers, especially families and unaccompanied minors.

Swedish Red Cross

Hornsgatan 54, Box 175 63, 118 91 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 45 24 600 or +46 (0)8 45 24 600
Email: info@redcross.se

Provide information and support for asylum seekers. The Red Cross also works specifically with unaccompanied minors. They visit the accommodation for unaccompanied children and young people, arrange tours and provide educational support as well – all to facilitate their stay during the initial period in Sweden. They also provide a family tracing service.

Swedish Refugee Advice Centre

Gyllenstiernsgatan 14, 115 26 Stockholm
Tel: 02 00 88 00 66
Fax: +46 (0)8 66 50 940
Email: info@sweref.org

For legal advice call the telephone advice line (above) Monday through Thursday, 9.00 – 10.30.
Please book personal visits in advance. For legal advice a summary of the case and relevant documents are required. There may be a waiting time. Interpretation service is not provided. If a legal counsel has been appointed, kindly be referred to the counsel for information on your case.
The Centre provides legal counselling and assistance in all matters concerning asylum, family reunification, Swedish citizenship and other matters referring to the Swedish Aliens’ Act. It also collects and supplies country of origin information, legal documents and general information on migration issues as well as analyzing, studying and campaigning on the implementation of national and international law relating to refugees

Mr Arido Degavro, Lawyer


Kaplansbacken 4B, 112 24 Stockholm, Sweden

Mobil: 073 59 69 177 Tel: 08-10 75 15 Fax: 010-15 05 572
Email: arido@septemberadvokat.se


Arido Degavro is a member of The Swedish Bar Association specialising in all aspects of refugee and immigration law, policy and practice, providing legal counselling and assistance in all matters concerning asylum, human rights law, family reunification and other matters referring to the Swedish Aliens’ Act.