Sudan Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Sudan.

For Sudan country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Sudan ratified the 1951 Convention on Refugees and its 1967 Protocol in 1974 and the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa in 1978. Sudan’s asylum policy and practice are governed by the Regulation of Asylum Act 1974. A copy of the act is available in Arabic.

The administrative framework for Sudan’s asylum policy and practice currently falls under the mandate of the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), whose administrative and operational costs are funded by UNHCR. In Sudan, UNHCR provides assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers and assumes protection responsibility for internally displaced persons.

The UNHCR has two offices in Sudan:

Tel: +249183471013
Fax: +249183473101
Kalassa: Wali Street,, Block 12, Plot 213, Kassala, Sudan
Tel: +249 411 829 003
Fax: +249 411 829 001

Legal Aid Organisations

The Mutawinat Group

Khartoum East, Eltigani elmahi Street, Khartoum , SUDAN, P.O. Box 2348, A/C 11111-MUTAWINAT-GROUP
Tel: +249 11 78 43 00 or 11 77 66 90

More than 60% of Mutinawat’s direct legal aid is targeted to displaced and refugee women and their training of paralegals was designed mainly to assist displaced and rural women. The organisation is also planning to begin a paralegal training program for displaced community leaders. In response to the situation in Darfur the organisation has begun a preliminary needs assessment in collaboration with a women’s network in Elfashir with a plan to begin a direct legal aid program and possibly other, not yet identified, programs.

International Organisations

Jesuit Refugee Service Sudan (JRS)
Block 8, Apartment 1, Plot No. 141, El Riyadh Street (112), P.O. Box 13067, Khartoum, Sudan
Tel: +249 15 52 94 818

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS provides education, psychosocial support, pastoral care, peace-education, livelihoods services and emergency relief and is involved in human rights protection and advocacy activities on different levels. In Mellit (Darfur), JRS runs an educational programme and capacity building within schools. Educational materials and water storage are also provided and JRS is involved in permanent construction and rehabilitation of classrooms. JRS also provides adult literacy and life skills training

Alight Sudan

Alight provides lifesaving services to some 200,000 people in East Sudan in Kassala and Gedaref states, providing mainly health care and water, sanitation and hygiene support to Eritrean refugees in 5 different refugee camps. In the past, in November 2020, Alight’s team was among the first organizations to respond to the influx of Ethiopian refugees in Sudan’s Gedaref state. Alight helped to re-established Um Rakuba and Tunaydbah refugee camps, and is a lead responder in health, nutrition, WASH and protection services.

War Child International

Website (international):

Address in Canada: 489 College St. Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, M6G 1A5
Address in the Netherlands: Helmholtzstraat 61-G , 1098 LE Amsterdam
Address of War Child Holland in Sudan: Block 81, Gireaif West, Opposite Qatar Islamic Society Mosque, Khartoum
Phone:+249 912161904

In Sudan the work of War Child Canada improves economic resilience and promotes education, empowerment and conflict resolution. It supports livelihoods by helping farmers, pastoralists and communities. In West Darfur, War Child Canada ensures children are able to keep learning through Accelerated Learning Programming (ALP). ALP allows students to complete two years of schooling in one and re-enter the formal education system quickly. It also trains teaching staff and conducts youth empowerment programming. Similarly, War Child Holland is working in the region to ensure the children have an access to education and implements a program on e-learning.

Norwegian Refugee Council
Tel: +249 (0) 99 98 25 695

Providing immediate, emergency assistance, while also working to find lasting solutions. Implementing programming across six competencies, integrating cash and markets-based approaches, advocacy, digital modes of assistance, and co-leading various humanitarian coordination platforms. Providing information and legal advice to displacement-affected individuals on housing, land, property, legal identity and employment law and procedures. Managing camps to enhance communication with communities and supporting inclusive coordination in urban non-formal camp and spontaneous self-settled site environments.