Romania Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Romania.

For Romania country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.

Consiliul National Roman Pentru Refugiati / Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR)
Str. Mantuleasa 42, etaj 3, apartament 10, sect.2, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: +40 21 31 26 210
Fax: +40 31 40 50 275
Contact Person: Bogdan Ghenea
Contact Person: Andreea Ghimpu-Lupascu
Contact Person : Andreea Mocanu

The Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) is a non-governmental organisation, founded in 1998 in Bucharest, Romania. CNRR is the main partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in regard to the implementation of the assistance programs offered to asylum seekers and refugees. CNRR has been a Member of ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles) since 1999. CNRR is ELENA (European Legal Network on Asylum) coordinator in Romania.


CNRR provides social assistance services and legal counseling through its specialized departments to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. CNRR’s research and documentation centre ROCCORD specializes in providing COI (Country of Origin Information) for all parties involved in the asylum procedure. All these services are offered free of charge. At the same time, CNRR promotes the interests of refugees and asylum applicants by collaborating with governmental and non-governmental institutions, and by initiating advocacy, awareness raising and fund raising campaigns. CNRR also has a long and fruitful experience in working with volunteers regularly organizing social and judicial clinics as well as summer schools for students on migration and asylum issues.

Main projects

  • Specialized legal counselling for asylum seekers in Romania. CNRR provides legal counselling for asylum seekers throughout the entire asylum procedure, training for lawyers and interpreters involved in the asylum procedure.
  • Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection in Romania. Facilitation of durable solutions through functioning integration policies and strategic interventions for refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.
  • Monitoring forced returns of migrants under escort. Ensuring that human rights and personal dignity is ensured for forcibly returned migrants before and during the operations of removing them from Romanian territory.
  • Strengthening the capacity of authorities to manage asylum issues. Making strides towards a unitary asylum procedure in Romania through consultations between the main stakeholders and training for judges, legal counselors and immigration officers.

Forumul Român pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi / Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants (ARCA)
Facebook | Twitter
Austral Street no. 23, sector 2, 024071, Bucharest
Tel: +40 73 57 21 252
Fax: +40 21 25 20 815

ARCA aims at defending and promoting the universal human rights, especially the rights of refugees, of persons granted subsidiary protection and other migrants. ARCA also aims at developing a network of organisations and institutions working to answer adequately to refugees’ needs.
ARCA works on the monitoring integration of refugees and advocates for improving legislation and practice in the migration field. ARCA also provides social services, legal assistance and assistance on citizenship procedure.
Social assistance includes social counselling, cultural orientation and Romanian language sessions, a small-scale project on integration of refugees in rural/semi-rural areas.Basic medical assistance is also available.
In co-operation with Bucharest University, the CNRR runs social and legal clinics and facilitates communication of students and volunteers with governmental agencies in charge of asylum and migration issues through “The Summer School on Integrated Assistance to Refugees”.

Generatie Tanara Romania
RO 300244, Timisoara,
Str. Molidului 8
Tel. +40 256 282 320
Fax. +40 256 215 659
Contact person: Mariana Petersel

GTR is the UNHCR’s implementing partner in Romania, supporting refugees accommodated in the Emergency Transit Centre (ETC) in Timisoara. The ETC was established in Romania in 2008 to evacuate refugees at immediate risk while the resettlement process to a third country is still pending. GTR runs medical, psychological and social programmes for refugees accommodated in the centre. Furthermore, GTR works with victims of human trafficking, Roma and unaccompanied minors in Romania.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Romania
Pedro Arrupe Centre, Mr Ilie Opris 54, sector 4 – 041378 Bucharest
Tel: +40 31 10 21 432 or +40 37 29 36 346
Fax: +40 37 28 77 090
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-17:30

Bus 116, 141, 232 (stop Opriş Ilie)
Tram 11 (stop Opriş Ilie)
Metro – stop C-tin Brancoveanu

JRS Romania helps rejected asylum seekers, refugees recognised by Romania, or resettled refugees and are involved in all phases of the protection process. Activities are carried out at JRS premises and in Romanian Immigration Offices around the country (in open and closed centers).

  • Accomodation
    JRS Romania runs a night shelter for rejected destitute asylum – seekers.
  • Legal counselling
    JRS provides legal assistance and counselling to refugees in all phases of the protection process. Dublin cases and vulnerable cases receive special attention.
  • Social assistance
    JRS helps refugees and migrants search for employment and private accommodation and assist refugees and migrants to comply with state administrative requirements, including identifying durable solutions.
  • Detention
    JRS provided legal, social counselling and pastoral care in detention centres once a week.
  • Medical assistance
    Free medical exams and analyses, vaccines and drugs were offered by JRS thru private donations and in partnership with Matei Bals hospital.
  • Emergency relief
    Food, clothes, hygiene products, etc.are offered to persons in all accommodation centres across the country.
  • Education courses
    Romanian and English language classes and also computer classes continued during the year.
  • Recreational/Therapeutic activities
    To facilitate intercultural communication between beneficiaries: garden decoration, culinary workshops, etc.
  • Cultural orientation
    A number of social and cultural events for Ramadan, Christmas, Easter, New Year, March 8, June 1, World Refugee Day were organised.
  • Advocacy/lobby
    Training events and round tables are organised for all involved in asylum and migration to promote the rights of destitute refugees and improve legislation. JRS Romania has researched and contributed to studies at national and European level.
  • Country of return information
    JRS runs the Country of Return Research and Documentation Center who provides information and studies to judges, lawyers and authorities.
  • Volunteers
    A network of volunteers includes 45 students and professionals who receive special training.

Save the Children-Romania

(Member of ELENA)

3 Stefan Furtuna St.
sector 1
Tel: +40 (21) 316 61 76
Fax: +40 (21) 312 44 86

The organization SAVE THE CHILDREN ROMANIA is a social institution, whose mission is toguarantee the equality of chances for all children, irrespectively of the community they come from, by using its own expertise, as well as throughadvocacy activities and lobbying the decision makers and by mobilizing the civil society leaders. All its actions are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. For 20 years,Save the Children Romania, a national non-governmental, of public utility organization, has been promoting the rights of the child. More than 500.000 children have been included in educational programmes, protection, social and medical assistance programmes, stimulating their participation in activities of promotion and recognition of their rights. At present, the organization has branches in 12 counties and Bucharest, more than 6000 members and more than 1000 active volunteers. It is a member of Save the Children International, the world’s largest independent organization for the promotion of children’s rights, including 29 members and conducting programmes in more than120 countries.
= Always acting in the best interest of the child, Save the Children Romania underlines the importance of and focuses on the right to free and non-discriminatory education for all childrenand their protection against any form of violence. The main fields of action are: Education, Protection, and Children’s RIghts.


Asociatia ACCEPT
Strada Lirei nr. 10, sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania, Cod postal 021422
Tel: +4021 252 56 20
Fax: +4021 252 90 00

ACCEPT is a Romanian human rights NGO which is committed to defending and promoting the rights of LGBTI people. It seeks to defend, by all legal means, the fundamental rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the Romanian Constitution and international treaties which Romania has ratified.  It seeks to educate the public, lobby and take action on behalf of LGBTI and minority rights, develop solidarity between members of the LGBTI community, and develop services that meet the specific needs of Romania’s LGBTI population.