Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Poland.
For Poland country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.
As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe
Email: or
This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.
The Halina Niec Legal Aid Centre
Centrum Pomocy Prawnej im. Haliny Nieć, Ul. Krowoderska 11/7, 31-141 Krakow, Poland
Tel: +48 12 63 37 223
Fax: +48 12 42 33 277
Contact(s): Katarzyna Przybyslawska, Magda Pajura
HNLAC is a non-profit non-governmental organisation established in 2002 in Kraków. HNLAC’s main objective is to protect human rights by providing free legal aid to persons at risk of social exclusion and discrimination, including the poor, victims of domestic violence, foreigners, asylum seekers and refugees. The HNLAC also monitors the adherence to standards of human rights, undertakes legal interventions and advocacy activities, and pursues research and educational projects. The Center also undertakes activities aimed at preventing and tackling human and child trafficking by organising social campaigns and offering legal aid to the victims. Since 2003 the HNLAC has become an implementing partner of UNHCR in Poland and is involved in regular provision of free legal aid in refugee centers, detention centers, monitoring of access to refugee procedure and the non-refoulement principle.
HNLAC lawyers provide free legal aid to people at risk of social exclusion and discrimination, including the poor, victims of domestic violence, foreigners and refugees. Since the establishment of the Center, a total of over 10,000 people have benefited from free legal aid in the form of individual consultation. The Center seeks to meet the huge public demand for reliable and free information and legal aid. People who benefit from the advice of the Center are those who cannot afford to get help from commercial law firms and, due to their situation, require a special kind of support. HNLAC acts on the belief that a fundamental condition of human rights is that those people who need it most should have easy access to information about their rights and obligations and the ability to take advantage of free legal aid.
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights)
Zgoda str. 11, 00-018 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 55 64 466 (Monday-Friday 10:00-15:00)
Provides free legal assistance to refugees and aliens in Poland. The assistance includes legal advice on application for refugee status, legalisation of stay, administrative, family, labour and penal law, family reunification as well as representation of cases that risk human rights violation.
The activities of Helsinki Foundation also comprise monitoring the deportation areas and reception centres, publication of a series of brochures and leaflets informing about the Polish law and procedures pertaining to foreigners and refugees, and participation in a legislative process.
Polskie Forum Migracyjne (Polish Migration Forum)
44a Orla Bialego Street, 05-080 Izabelin, Poland
Tel: (+48) 60 58 88 753
The Polish Migration Forum runs an online information service for migrants, equips Polish libraries with migration-related reading, and runs various projects and activities to support the education of migrants and refugees (training teachers, conducting information meetings for Polish parents, and running multicultural projects in schools for Polish and refugee children, amongst others).
The PFM Helpline welcomes legal queries online via its website. The Helpline offers an opportunity to ask question on asylum and migration and to receive an answer via the website.
Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej (SIP) (Association for Legal Intervention)
Facebook | Twitter
Siedmiogrodzka St. 5 app.51, 01-204 Warsaw
Tel: (+48) 22 62 15 165
The Association for Legal Intervention was established in 2005. Our mission is helping and giving legal advice to people, whose rights and freedom are threatened. We provide free legal and integration counseling to foreigners, including forced migrants – asylum seekers and recognized refugees, and we represent them during the administrative procedures. On the basis of our research and monitoring, we create recommendations for authorities regarding necessity of introducing legislative changes concerning foreigners‘ protection and integration actions directed to them. We also organize trainings for people, who in their works deal with foreigners – police officers, office workers, social workers and we publish articles and books concerning cultural and legal aspects of foreigners’ functioning in Poland. In March 2009 we have opened The Information Center for Foreigners, which helps immigrants legally living in our country.