Myanmar Pro Bono Directory

Myanmar does not host any refugees according to UNHCR statistics.

For Myanmar country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

UNHCR Representation in Myanmar is available here:

International/humanitarian organisations providing assistance to displaced populations in Myanmar include:


The Human Rights Education Institute of Burma/Colors Rainbow
GPO Box 485, 50000
Chiang Mai, Thailand
+(66) 0 83 180 4811, +(66) 0827612760

The Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB) is a nongovernmental organization which facilitates a broad range of human rights education and advocacy programs. HREIB was founded in 2000 with the goal of empowering the people of Burma through human rights education to engage in social transformation and promote a culture of human rights. Since 2007, HREIB has operated an LGBT Rights Program, Colors Rainbow (CR), which consists of trainings, discussions, networking meetings, community events, advocacy and research projects, and the production of multimedia resources.

Over 400 participants from LGBT communities in Burma and Burmese border areas have attended CR’s LGBT rights trainings and follow-up discussions. In 2012 and early 2013, Colors Rainbow transitioned inside Burma as the secretariat of Burma’s LGBT Rights Network, established in November 2012. The network is comprised of representatives from 16 areas throughout Burma and over 20 Burmese LGBT CBOs. Colors Rainbow oversees the four working groups’ and 21 focal points’ implementation of advocacy projects, capacity building, trainings, and other network activities.

Colors Rainbow produces a Burmese-language website, TV program, and magazine covering LGBT rights issues in Burma and abroad. Additionally, each year CR holds community events to commemorate international days of awareness such as the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) and World AIDS Day.

Rays of Rainbows

Room No. 27 Kyauk Phyar Street, Bayint Naung Quarter, Kawthaung Township.
Tel: 95 (9) 250799408
Thai Ph: (66) 9 29850976


Rays of Rainbow is a community-based organization located in Kawthaung, Myanmar. The organization was established in March 2006 in Ranong, Thailand along the Myanmar border with the aim of promoting human rights including women rights and LGBT rights within the Burmese migrant community. In the beginning of 2014, RoR moved to Kawthaung, Myanmar because of the shifting social and political landscape in Myanmar has allowed for more room in terms of conducting in-country LGBT activism.

Rays of Rainbow’s overall approach is to raise awareness of human rights and LGBT rights among LGBT and non LGBT persons from Kawthuang, Myeik and Dawei,- and to conduct networking and advocacy campaigns with non LGBT persons from local CBOs, NGOs, and political parties from Kawthaung. RoR focuses their efforts toward both LGBT as well as non-LGBT people, introducing non-LGBT community members to the basic concepts of human rights and encouraging them to become involved with RoR. This helps correct commonly held misperceptions and establishes bridges across Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) divides. Trainings and discussions on general human rights and issues facing the community serves as an entry point to introducing concepts surrounding SOGI and LGBT issues. RoR encourages community members to participate and become involved in all of its activities, to create a stronger sense of community and to increase collaboration across real and potential community divides created by fear, myths and lack of understanding.

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