Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Morocco.
For Morocco country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.
As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.
Morocco has ratified the 1951 Convention on Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. In the July 2011 Constitution, the Kingdom of Morocco recognizes the primacy of international conventions ratified by them over domestic law, and establishes that non-nationals shall enjoy the same fundamental freedoms as nationals.
Morocco adopted a Royal Decree in 1957, agreeing on the modalities of application of the 1951 Convention. The Decree established an Office for Refugees and Stateless Persons (Bureau des Réfugiés et Apatrides, referred to as “BRA”) and an Asylum Appeal Instance within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The BRA is competent to examine asylum applications. However, in the absence of a national procedure regarding the application, the UNHCR’s office in Rabat is mandated to take on those claims.
Click here to see a guide for the asylum application in Morocco (in French).
Organisations providing legal assistance in Morocco
Droit et Justice
2 rue Abou Faid al Masri, Quartier Gauthier, 20060 Casablanca, Morocco
Tel: +212 522 277 688 or +212 6 62 17 47 52
Fax: +212 522 228 286
Email: or;;;
Contact persons: Maud Depresle (Legal Aid for Refugees in Morocco Programme Coordinator), Rojovola Jonah Ratsimbazafiharijaona, Aminata Cisse, Louise Carlier
605 Rue de Goulmima, #13, troisième étage, Bourgogne, 20 040 Casablanca, Morocco
With the support of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF), the British Embassy in Morocco and the Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF), the Association Droit et Justice launched in August 2013 a program of legal aid for asylum seekers in Morocco.Migrants in Morocco mainly come from sub-Saharan Africa. Some of them have had to flee their country after being persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or because they are members of a particular social group. They are therefore eligible for asylum but do not have access to information on procedures for granting refugee status in Morocco. Those who apply for asylum are not assisted by a lawyer.The goal of this project is to train a team of lawyers and jurists willing to invest voluntarily in legal aid for asylum seekers by being assigned one case per year under the supervision of Droit et Justice. In this way, lawyers will use the acquired theoretical skills to assist migrants in their application for asylum in Morocco. Of course, our association provides permanent legal support, as well as ongoing training, to the volunteer lawyers and jurists.The issue has gained so much importance recently that the Moroccan authorities have decided to establish a national refugee status determination system. Until recently, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been the decision-making body in this area.
L’Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains (Morocco Human Rights Organisation) – OMDH
Contact person: Ouiam Abderrazak
10, rue Ghana # 3, quartier Océan, Rabat (Ligne de bus : N° 56)
Tel: +212 (0)5 37 72 94 66
Fax: +212 (0)5 37 72 94 07
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 09:00–16:00
OMDH has a partnership with UNHCR. In Rabat, besides legal assistance to refugees at all stages of the refugee status determination process, the centre offers legal representation before a court or in police stations. In Oujda, OMDH manages to prevent the refoulement of refugees to the frontiers. If need be, the centre helps the refugees organise their return. In most big cities in the country, OMDH is developing a network of lawyers who are able and willing to intervene on behalf of refugees.
L’Association Marocaine des Droits Humains – AMDH
Facebook | Twitter
Appt N°1, Imm 6, Rue Aguensous, Av. Hassan II, Les Orangers (Près de Auto-Hall) Rabat, BP 1740 RP Rabat
Tel : + 212 03 77 30 961
Fax: + 212 03 77 38 851
Contact person: Dr. Aziz Rhali, President
The Association Marocaine des Droits Humains works to promote a culture of human rights through education and awareness-raising. It monitors human rights violations in Morocco and provides legal support for victims. AMDH is an independent NGO which promotes the respect for all human rights by intervening with relevant authorities and responsible government officials to ensure protection of persons concerned, justice for victims violated and respect of human rights as well as support to victims of violations. The AMDH is a member of the Euromed Human Rights Network’s Migration and Asylum Working group.
Association Beni Znassen pour la Culture, le Développement et la Solidarité – ABCDS or
Angle Bd. Lieutenant Belhoucine et rue Gharnata, 60000 Oujda
Tel: +212 (0)5 36 68 67 50
Email: or
Le programme « Migrations et Droits Humains » de l’ABCDS Maroc a pour mission : Fournir un soutien humanitaire d’urgence pour les migrants en situation de vulnérabilité, aux personnes entrantes sur le territoire marocain et aux personnes reconduites à la frontière; Offrir aux migrants un accès à l’information socio-juridique ; Accompagner et orienter juridiquement les migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile et faire valoir leurs droits ; Récolter les données et recueil des témoignages sur les violations des droits des migrants aux frontières maroco-algériennes ; Promouvoir les actions de sensibilisation et de plaidoyer au Maroc et en Europe sur les conséquences des politiques migratoires sur les droits des migrants.
Beni Znassen association for Culture, Development and Solidarity (ABCDS) is an association governed by the Moroccan law, established in June 12th, 2005 by a group of young activists. Among other programs, ABCDS leads a program of humanitarian and legal support to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in distress in the zone of Oujda and its neighborhood. ABCDS is engaged alongside other associations, in the denunciation of the pitiful living conditions of the migrants in transit in Morocco and the important infringements of their rights and physical integrity from which they are victims as well in Morocco as during their crossing attempts towards Europe.
Organisations providing other forms of assistance
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc – ADFM
Rue Ibn Mokla, n° 2 Quartier des Orangers. Rabat, Morocco
Tel: +212 53 77 07 080 or +212 53 77 06 081 or +212 53 77 37 165
Fax: +212 53 72 60 813
Contact person: Ouidad Lasfar
The democratic association of women in Morocco –ADFM- is an autonomous, feminist, and non profit NGO. Its principal objective is the promotion of women’s rights and strategic interests. ADFM is a member of the Euromed Human Rights Network’s Migration and Asylum Working group.
Association Marocaine d’Appui à la Promotion de la Petite Enterprise – AMAPPE
7, Rue Arfoud Appt. 02, Quartier Hassane, Rabat, 10000, Morocco
Tel.: (+212) 05 37 70 75 02
Fax: (+212) 05 37 70 75 04
Runs a socio-economic integration project in partnership with the High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations in Morocco. This creates micro income generating activities.
Association Oum El Banine – OEB
Address: Rue Oued Ziz and corner Avenue El Mouquaouama, Industrial District, Agadir, Morocco
Tel: (+212) (0) 5 28 82 08 66
E-mail: (French or Arabic); (English)
L’Association Oum El Banine (OEB) works to support one of the most excluded groups in the Moroccan society: unmarried mothers and their children. Their main objectives are to prevent abandonment of the children, to support the mothers, to promote social reintegration in a familiar environment, to ensure legislation that protects the women, and to organise public awareness campaigns. As such, they provide the following services: temporary lodging of the mothers with their babies, rehabilitation in a familiar environment, financial, medical and psychological assistance, legal and administrative support when needed, support in the search for employment and housing, material assistance for social reintegration (clothes, groceries etc.), placement of children in OEB’s daycare centre to make it possible for the mothers to work and support themselves and their children, a follow-up of the babies during their first three years, and education in family planning, birth control and information about sexually transmitted diseases.
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network – EMHRN
Tel : +212 53 72 63 506
Fondation Orient Occident (East-West Foundation)
Avenue des FAR – Commune de Yacoub El Mansour BP 3210 – Rabat
Tel: +212 (05) 37 79 36 37
Fax: +212 (05) 37 29 15 43
Présidente Fondatrice: Yasmina Filali
Contact Persons: Rachid Badouli, Directeur Central
Nathalie Freige, Coordinatrice des centres
Counselling, education, employment, HIV/AIDS prevention for refugees and migrants.
Groupe Antiraciste d’Accompagnement et de Défense des Étrangers et Migrants – GADEM or
78 avenue Allal Ben Abdallah, 3ème étage, n° 31 – 10000 Rabat
Tel: +212 (0)5 37 72 78 78
Email for Legal Aid:
Contact Persons: Sara Soujar, responsible for legal monitoring; Camille Denis, coordinator; and Stéphane Julinet
We have a legal aspect for migrants in general without status discrimination. We are an advocacy organisation and legal monitoring is not systematic (for lack of means) but a tool for understanding the violations suffered by migrants. We follow situations considered iconic (see our report). The website is in French.
Le volet Droit des étrangers du GADEM (groupe antiraciste d’accompagnement et de défense des étrangers), association marocaine constituée le 18 décembre 2006 dont le but est le respect effectif des droits des étrangers et migrants au Maroc, assure (dans la limite de ses moyens et des possibilités d’action) l’accompagnement et la défense juridiques des étrangers qui le sollicitent, indépendamment de leur statut (migrants, demandeurs d’asile, réfugiés, en situation administrative régulière ou irrégulière). Il n’offre pas d’autres services.
Jesuit Refugee Services – JRS
Eglise Notre-Dame de Lourdes, 1 Rond Point d’Europe, 20100 – Casablanca, Maroc
Tel: +212 527 719 321
Fax: +212 22 26 85 28
Country Director: Ms Fanny Curet
‘Service Accueil Migrantes’ (SAM) project. The project assists migrants and asylum seekers. A crèche was provided for infants, with the women given the opportunity to take part in embroidery, hairdressing and handicraft lessons. Childcare classes and French and English language classes were also provided.
To dissuade the women from begging for money on the streets, they were encouraged to start ‘micro-projects’, where they could sell the items they produced with SAM in the local marketplace. By the year’s end, 55 women had taken on a ‘micro-project’.
A kindergarten was put in operation for minors, where they could take part in various educational activities, with the opportunity of picking up basic language, writing and mathematical skills.
Organisation PanAfricaine de Lutte contre le Sida – OPALS
Rue 26, Youssoufia; Est. Rabat
Tel: +212 66 17 92 423 or +212 53 76 57 121
In collaboration with UNHCR OPALS Maroc offers HIV/AIDS services for refugees and migrants: education and prevention (including information in refugees’ own language); medical care, psychosocial services, legal support from OPALS lawyers (legal helpline). 17 sections across the country although refugee services are concentrated in 3 major cities Rabat, Casablanca and Fes.