Hungary Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Hungary.

For Hungary country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.

The Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims
H-1133, Budapest, Hungary, Kárpát u 1/B. , VI./24.
Tel:  +36 13 49 14 50
Fax: +36 12 39 13 32

The Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims offers complex psycho-social rehabilitation to severely traumatized asylum-seekers and refugees and their families. The professional staff usually treat refugee clients at the Hungarian reception centres. Specific services include: psychiatric, psychological and non-verbal therapies and social assistance; assisting torture survivor clients in the legal process with medical reports documenting the evidence of torture; offering trainings and supervision for professionals working with refugees, and organising awareness raising programme on the international day of torture victims.

Demokratikus Jogok Fejleszteseert Alapitvany (Foundation for the Development of Democratic Rights)
1052 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 1. IV/40
Tel: +36 14 11 04 10 or +36 41 10 411 or +36 41 10 444
Fax: 32 80 874

Projects supporting the Roma community as well as migrants and refugees.

Magyar Helsinki Bizottság (Hungarian Helsinki Committee)

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36-38, Budapest, H-1054
PO Box 317, Budapest H-1242
Tel/ Fax:  +36 13 21 43 23, 32 14 327, 32 14 141

The HHC ensures access to effective, free-of-charge legal counselling and representation at all places (reception centres, community shelters, alien policing jails) where persons in need of international protection are accommodated or detained in Hungary.

The organisation regularly comments on draft legislation in the field of asylum and immigration as well as analyses legal practices. To assist with casework, the HHC provides legal advice and country information (COI) to its network of lawyers. The HHC also organises trainings on domestic, European and international refugee law as well as immigration law and practice for its own staff and lawyers and other asylum professionals working in government agencies and courts.

Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants or In English
1081 Budapest, Népszínház utca 16. III/3.
Tel: +36 13 22 15 02 or 34 46 224 or 47 90 273
Fax: +36 14 79 02 72

Counselling service
1092 Budapest, Erkel utca 13./A, földszint 5.
Tel: +36 14 11 17 10 or 41 11 711 or 21 57 314
Fax: +36 14 11 17 11
Mobile: +36 20 43 09 919

Social, informational, mental-health programmes promoting the social integration of refugees and migrants staying in Hungary. Through their national network of social workers they provide personal assistance to migrants in order to promote their integration and to protect their rights.

Református Missziói Központ (Hungarian Reformed Church)
1151 Budapest, Alag u. 3.
Tel: +36 12 71 04 98 or +36 12 71 04 99
Fax: +36 12 71 04 99

Housing Program: pays the rent for refugee families for 18 months and helps them to find work and navigate Hungarian bureaucracy.

Education Program: offers high school education and intense Hungarian language instruction and tutoring to youth between the ages of 13 and 18.They are also provided with assistance with housing in dormitories if necessary, school supplies, books and anything else to help them succeed in school. In addition to this, they are offered them social work support, counselling when needed, fellowship through social activities and familiarization with the culture and history of Hungary.

Nanny program: provides refugee women with intensive Hungarian language instruction and skills training so that they can get employment as nannies in Hungarian preschools and nurseries. After successful completion of the programme, the women can receive a Basic Hungarian Language Exam Certificate and a Certificate in Pre-school Assistant Education.


Háttér Társaság (Háttér Society)
H-1132 Budapest, Csanády u. 4/B.
Tel: +36 13 29 26 70 or +36 1 238 0046
Fax: +36 1 799 8418

Háttér Society is one of the largest and most active LGBTQI organizations in Hungary. Founded in 1995, its aims are to protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people and to promote their wellbeing. Háttér works towards these aims by calling attention to the problems faced by LGBTQI people; lobbying against discriminative laws and promoting legislation protecting LGBTQI people; providing support services; encouraging the self-organization of LGBT communities; and preserving and spreading LGBTQI heritage and culture.

Activities of the organization are centered around four core programs. The information and counselling hotline available via a toll free telephone number and online chat offers information and help with everyday problems faced by LGBTQI people and their families. The legal aid service targets victims of discrimination, harassment and violence, but alsoprovides advice on any legal matter where the sexual orientation or gender identity of the person might be significant. The HIV/AIDS prevention program operates a 24h hotline, a network of condom machines at LGBTQI venues, and publishes brochures on safer sex. The archive and library collects books, articles, audiovisual material, as well as other relics that document the history of the LGBTQI movement in Hungary. Besides the core programs Háttér is also regularly involved in research, training and advocacy activities.