Greece Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Greece.

For Greece country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

Greece is a state party to the 1951 Refugee Convention .
To apply for asylum in Greece you need to register with the UNHCR Greece: How to apply with the UNHCR Greece .
An asylum-seeker needs to express their intention to apply for asylum, the declaration can be made before Police and/or Reception and Identification Service authorities. See how to apply in Greece here .
Videos on how to apply for asylum and prepare for interviews in English , French , Farsi , Greek .

Below is a list of pro bono organisations that support refugees in Greece and provide legal aid.


Greek Refugee Council – GRC

Website link
Contact person: Spyros-Vlad Oikonomou

GCR welcomes and offers free legal and social advice and services to refugees and people coming from third countries who are entitled to international protection in our country, while special emphasis is put on vulnerable cases, such as unaccompanied minors, victims of trafficking etc. The ultimate goal is their protection and their smooth integration in our country.

Safe Passage Greece (in Greek) ∣
Address: KΑΡΑΙΣΚΑΚΗ 28, 10554 ΑΘΗΝΑ
Tel: 0030 210 3210146 / 0030 697 4188920 (10:00-16:00)

Safe Passage Greece provides legal support to refugee children who wish to join a family member elsewhere in the EU and UK. The team provides social support to refugee children in Greece while helping them with their claim to reunite with their families across Europe. Working in conjunction with Safe Passage France and UK, Safe Passage Greece guides refugee children through the EU’s Dublin III family reunion mechanism and the UK’s own immigration rules – the entry clearance family reunion rules, offering them social and legal support as they navigate the process. To apply for help or contact the Safe Passage Greece, fill out a form on this page.

Refugee Legal Support (RLS) in Greece 
The Impact Hub, 28 Karaiskaki Athina 105 54

Please note: Assistance/help is not offered at this address, please contact the office beforehand If you require legal assistance in Athens (for Asylum Interview Preparation or family reunification) via email or telephone:
Tel: +306940662583 (RLS only responds to calls and messages in English at present, and are available on WhatsApp)

Refugee Legal Support is a team of frontline asylum lawyers who assist displaced people with vital legal advice and support. It was established in 2017 in response to the limited presence of legal support for people in Greece who were fleeing persecution and violence at home. RLS has presence in the following regions in Greece:


RLS runs the Athens Legal Clinic providing the following support:

  • Representation throughout the asylum process, including appeal stage for existing clients
  • Emergency interview preparation, including preparation for admissibility interviews
  • Family reunion to other European countries
  • Providing specialist legal support for people who have fled Afghanistan
  • Spreading information on the asylum process for people who are seeking asylum and the agencies and groups who are supporting them

For enquiries in Athens, please contact –

The Islands Project, in Lesvos.

RLS runs Legal Centre Lesvos where the project focuses on:

  • Providing legal support via casework and representation
  • Working with other agencies and groups on the islands to increase their capacity and legal literacy
  • Act as an expert link for people wishing to reunite with family in the UK
  • Contributing to advocacy efforts in Greece, the UK and across Europe

For queries or requests for input related to the islands, please email

Advocates Abroad

Advocates Abroad is a non-profit organization of field-based and remote volunteer attorneys, interpreters, asylum experts providing essential and free legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers without discrimination or compensation. Advocates field attorneys operate throughout Greece, Turkey, and Switzerland – and now Italy. These Advocates attorneys on the ground in Northern Italy are a new and critical addition to European operations. Remote Advocate attorneys are widely diverse in background and placement – these attorneys are qualified in and based out of, states around the world: the United States, Europe, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine. Remote attorneys have even provided in person aid to a refugee in need, where geography permitted.


Goodwill Caravan 
Facebook ∣  Instagram ∣  Twitter
Knidou 10, 104 40, Athens, Greece
Tel: +306 951 850 560
Farsi +306996289041
Arabic +306996289081
English speakers can call any of the numbers above.
Calling and appointments times are usually between 9am until 7pm

Goodwill Caravan is non-profit Humanitarian Charity that covers refugee protection projects including provision of legal aid, shelter support, medical support, food and emergency aid distribution, as well as educational and vocational training in the UK and Greece. We are registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (registration no 1176314). Running emergency anti-trafficking protection projects for the most vulnerable refugees, Goodwill Caravan supports thousands of refugees making the journey to a better life. We focus particularly on refugee families, orphans, detained and unaccompanied children who are at the highest risk of organ trade, trafficking and kidnappings, Goodwill Caravan look after the families they support and help empower them by helping the refugees learn skills that will help them become functional members of society, in Greece or the countries they are relocated to.

Rene Pio 2A, Athens – Neos Kosmos
Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4.30pm (appointment needed)

The Caritas Social Spot offers the following services:

  • Social and Legal counselling
  • Job counselling
  • Vocational training programs
  • Financial consulting and tax assistance
  • Entrepreneurship training and business plan development
  • Greek languages classes for adults
  • Internet access-Skype for communication with Asylum Service
  • Informational sessions
  • Recreational and cultural activities/event
  • Youth empowerment group sessions


Equal Rights Beyond Borders
Voupalou 16, Chios
Tel: Arabic: +306940008472
English and French: +306945531748
Farsi: +306947799438

  • Information about the asylum procedure
  • Legal assistance in the first instance asylum procedure (one-on-one counselling, help to prepare for your interview, etc.)
  • Legal representation in first and second instance asylum procedures
  • Information on Dublin family reunification and legal assistance during the family reunification procedure – Athens office


Facebook   Twitter
47C, P. Kountourioti Street, 2nd Floor, Mytilene Lesvos
Contact phones for beneficiaries:
Arabic speakers: +30 6944134335
Farsi speakers: +30 6944134160
French speakers: +30 6942248387
Landline: +30 2251055488
Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

HIAS is a US-based NGO helping refugees worldwide. In July 2016, HIAS established a mission on the Island of Lesvos, a “hot spot” where the majority of refugees from Turkey arrive. Here, HIAS Greece provides legal representation during interviews with the authorities in the asylum process and assists refugees in accessing family reunification procedures. In addition, HIAS conducts legal orientation sessions for refugees, providing them with the information they need to navigate intricate asylum and migration procedures. HIAS Greece also opened an office in Athens to guarantee continued legal assistance to clients who transfer there from Lesvos as well as supporting new clients in need of legal assistance in Athens.

Legal Centre Lesvos
Sapfous 2, Mitilene, Lesvos, Greece 81100
Tel: +30 2251040665
Whatsapp: +30 694 019 8997
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm

With a team of Greek and international lawyers, interpreters, legally trained volunteers and founding members, we work to defend the rights of migrants who arrive by sea to Lesvos. Since August 2016, we provide free and individual legal information, representation and assistance at all stages of the asylum procedure, in the Dublin procedure, and in defense of the human rights of rights.

Fenix Humanitarian Aid
Ermou 311, Ground Floor, Mytilini, Lesvos, Greece, 81100
To refer cases:
Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5:30pm

Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid is a U.S. 501(c)(3) and Greek non-profit (MKO), that provides free holistic legal aid services to asylum seekers and refugees through its team of 30 field international and Greek lawyers, psychologists, social workers, advocacy officers, protection officers and translators based in Lesvos (Greece). The Fenix team considers the particular needs and skills of each asylum seeker, acknowledges their individuality, and offers them tools to navigate a very complicated procedure and build a new life.


Legal Centre Samos

Whatsapp: +306987594375

We provide or support in:

  • General legal advice on the procedure (through our hotline)
  • Asylum interview preparations
  • Dublin family reunification process
  • Appeals on first instance rejections
  • Referrals and follow-up of people in a vulnerable situation
  • Requests for interim measures in front of the European Court of Human Rights for vulnerable people.

Samos Refugee Law Clinic Berlin

Kanari 23, Samos 831 00, Greece
WhatsApp: +49 177 2131739

Provides general information several times a week in various languages ​​(e.g. Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi, French) about the asylum procedure in the EU and procedural rights.

Other services:
ALPHA Community Centre


Solidarity Now
Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm (appointment needed)

Athens Solidarity Center: 2 Domokou str. (opposite Athens Railway Station, 2nd floor)
Tel: +30 210 8220883
Monday-Friday 9:00-19:00

Thessaloniki Solidarity Center: 29A Ptolemaion str.
Tel: +30 2310 501030, +30 2310 501040
Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00

Blue Refugee Center: 25D Ioanni Koletti str., Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310555263, +30 2310555264

SolidarityNow’s goal is to provide holistic services to all of our beneficiaries, in an effort to assist all those in need and empower them in their everyday life.  Our services range from psycho-social support to educational services, legal aid… Legal Service in terms of legal counselling, mediation and Court Representation. SN provides legal information at every stage an asylum seeker goes through – we help with proper registration and the launching of an asylum claim; we provide interview preparation sessions; we follow through family reunification cases via Dublin or Embassies, when eligibility criteria are met; and we guide asylum seekers with first and second appeals in case of a negative response.

We also have lawyers to cover the legal needs of refugees in 14 Open Accommodation Sites in the mainland of Greece, namely Elaionas, Elefsina, Malakasa, Oinofyta, Ritsona, Thiva, Andravida, Thermopyles, Volvi, Vagiochori, Drama, Kavala, Serres, Kato Milia.

Other services:
Za’atar NGO

Crete (Kriti)
KEM – Center for Integration of Migrants and Refugees



METAdrasi – identification and certification of torture victims.