Ethiopia Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Ethiopia.

For Ethiopia country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

UNHCR Ethiopia can also be contacted via Facebook

Legal Aid Organisations

Ethiopian Lawyers’ Association (ELA)
903/7, Kirkos Subcity, Woreda: 53
Tel: +251 55 30 122

Non-profit and non-partisan professional association of attorneys. Providing legal aid services to those who ate economically and socially underprivileged. Making justice accessible to the needy.

Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA)
Near Bulgaria Mikael Church, Mexico, Kirkos Subcity, Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 50 87 83

Under its Legal Aid Program, EWLA assists women, particularly disadvantaged women, who are victims of gender-based violence free of charge. The service includes legal advice/counselling, writing court briefs (court charges and affidavits), as well as representing clients in court.

Bahir Dar University Legal Aid Center
Main Center: Amhara Women’s Association Office, Kebele 13
Contact Person: Belayneh Admasu
Tel: +251 91 87 60 722

Providing free legal aid services to vulnerable sections of the population, particularly women, children, people with disabilities, prison inmates and people living with HIV/AIDS. Providing legal counselling, preparation of pleadings and representation before the courts.

Mehrteab & Getu Avocates LLP
Africa Avenue, Bembel City Centre, 8th Floor (via lift no. 4), R. No. 805A
Tel: +251 11 51 59 798

Leading full-service law office with over 20 years experience advising and representing clients on a wide range of legal issues. As part of the firms corporate social responsibility policy they provide pro bono assistance to disadvantaged clients and communities.

International Organisations

Jesuit Refugee Service Ethiopia
Region 14, Arada, Kebele 03, House No. 1097, P.O.Box 12747, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 11 12 37 230

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS provides education, psychosocial support, pastoral care, peace-education, livelihoods services and emergency relief and is involved in human rights protection and advocacy activities on different levels.

In Addis Ababa, the JRS Refugee Community Centre provides childcare, recreational and cultural activities as well as psycho-social support and offers opportunities to undertake vocational training. JRS also offers language and computer training, a library and internet services at the centre.  The JRS Emergency Needs Programme provides non-recurrent financial, medical and non-food items, pastoral care and accompaniment for asylum seekers and vulnerable refugees. In Mai-Aini refugee camp, JRS assists Eritrean refugees by offering counseling, including training of peer counsellors and recreation activities such as a library, sports, music and dance.

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

DRC responds to the needs of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Ethiopia with a combination of protection assistance and multi-sector interventions tailored to local needs. DRC supports refugees arriving in Gambella, Shire, and Dimma with shelter provision, protection services, education, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). In the Oromia and Somali regions, conflict-affected populations benefit from lifesaving protection services, multi-purpose cash aid, Non-Food Items (NFIs), and WASH.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee, IRC first began assisting people in Ethiopia in 2000, providing essential aid to over 100,000 refugees from neighboring countries and more than 500,000 Ethiopians affected by previous droughts. Since then, the IRC has expanded to provide a wide range of assistance for refugees living in camps and for vulnerable Ethiopian communities throughout the country. In 2013, the IRC opened the largest water system for any refugee camp in the world. IRC continues to provide a wide range of assistance for refugees and vulnerable Ethiopian communities as the country faces escalating conflict, climate change, desert locusts and COVID-19.

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Tel: +251 116 619978/80

Established in Ethiopia in 2011, NRC is present in six regions (Tigray, Oromia, SNNP, Benishangual Gumuz, Gambella, Somali region) and one city (Addis Ababa) in Ethiopia. NRC provides refugees and internally displaced people with emergency relief and help them to rebuild their lives through the following programmes:

  • Education – given to children and youth to assist them return to formal schooling;
  • Information, counselling and legal assistance to interpet and navigate legal frameworks;
  • Livelihoods and food security;
  • Shelter and settlements;
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) promotion; and
  • Child protection

Africa Humanitarian Action
Africa Avenue, P.O.Box 110 Code 1250, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: + 251 11 55 13 851
Fax: + 251 11 55 11 224

Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, African Humanitarian Action (AHA) carries out humanitarian aid and development activities in 12 African countries, including Angola, Burundi, Chad, Congo (DR), Ethiopia, Guinea (Rep.), Liberia, Namibia, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia. AHA provides emergency relief services, fights diseases of poverty, notably HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and works to develop local capacity and disaster response mechanisms. AHA provides emergency, health and social services to refugees in partnership with UNHCR and others.


Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices (IAC)
ECA/Africa Hall, Menelik Avenue, P.O Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel.: (+251) 11 551 57 93

The Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC) is an African regional umbrella body that has been working on policy programmes and actions to stop FGM/C in the African Region during the last 28 years.  IAC’s mission is to have an African Region free of FGM/C and gender related harmful practices. Its two main objectives are to prevent and eliminate traditional practices, which are harmful to or impede the health, human development and women’s and girls’ rights; to advocate for care for those who suffer the health consequences of harmful practices; and to promote and support those traditional practices that improve and contribute to the health, human development and rights of women and children.