Ecuador Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Ecuador.

For Ecuador country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Click here for UNHCR contact information for Ecuador.


Asociación de Refugiados Colombianos en Ecuador (ARCOE)

Tel: +593 09 81 19 280

Services: Refugee association that offers help and information to Colombians applying for refugee status or those who have been denied refugee status.

Comité Pro Refugiados

Av. América 1830 y Mercadillo, Edificio Radio Católica, Quito

Assists with orientation of recent arrivals and refers them to organisations providing social and legal aid, providing basic humanitarian assistance.


Contigo Ecuador
Av 6 de Diciembre and Julio Moreno, Quito
Tel: 593-2-2464802 / 086948540
Fax: 593-9-9841804
Contact: Alberto Grajales

Services: Refugee association for Colombian-run businesses, including a magazine to promote legal and social rights of refugees and migrants in Ecuador.

Calle Ultimas Noticias No. 39-127, Quito
Tel: +593 22 24 15 32

Services: Basic humanitarian assistance and community development.

Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana (Red Cross)
Facebook | Twitter
Antonio Elizalde E4-31 y Avenida Gran Colombia, Quito
Tel: +593 22 58 24 82 or +593 29 56 004
Fax: +593 22 57 04 24

Services: Basic humanitarian assistance.

Defensoría del Pueblo

Av. De la Prensa N5497 y Jorge Piedra, Quito

Services: Sponsors and protects refugees who feel like their rights have been violated.

Pastoral Social de Ambato
Dirección: Calle Mera 0359 entre Boliva y Rocafuerte, “Multicentro Mera” tercer piso, oficina 19, Ambato, Ecuador
Tel: +593 2421842 / 2827795

The Comité Pro Refugiados also runs (in partnership with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Diocese of Ambato) the Pastoral Social programme, which has a separate office. The programme works to implement primary healthcare and micro-credit schemes to contribute to the improvement of the conditions of life of families of urban and rural communities, promoting fairness and equality.

Misión Scalabriniana

Quito, Imbayas 52-58 y avenida la flora
Tel: 02 3302772

A Catholic organization with a mission to promote and defend human mobility. They provide various services to migrant populations in Ecuador through their shelters. They have five locations across Ecuador, including two along the border with Colombia.

Fundación ecuatoriana equidad

Av. 6 de Diciemebre y Lizardo García N24-253

Offers psychological care services, sexual health, access to HIV tests, access to information on migrant rights and the regularization process, and has an LGBTI+ community center in Pichincha.

Fundación Lunita Lunera

The Foundation is working on its actions like Promoting networking among civil society organizations committed to the promotion of human rights and non-violence, Participate in academic and cultural research and/or consultancies; carry out studies, searches or working groups, among others, and Other non-profit, social action and human development activities.


El Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados y Migrantes del Ecuador (SJRM)
Calle Eustorgio Salgado N 19-83 y Av. Universitaria, Quito
Tel: +593 09 87 92 566 (Pablo)
Contacts: Pablo Araujo
Email: or

Services: Medical access, legal services, education, psychological help, and emergency services

Fundación Ambiente y Sociedad (FAS)
Pasaje Málaga N24-673 entre Coruña y Valladolid, Quito
Tel: +593 22 23 07 66 or 29 00 28 7/ (011) 48 55 11 67
Contact: Maria Rosa Cajas
Email: click here

FAS, a partner of UNHCR, is an NGO whose objective is to contribute to sustainable development in Ecuador, fostering the application of science and technology, with the aim of promoting an equitable use of natural resources, improvement in the quality of life of its inhabitants and the cultural development of Ecuadorian peoples. Provides training to refugees, development of entrepreneurial skills etc.

HIAS (The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Facebook | Twitter
Calle Inglaterra N29-25 y Acuña, Quito
Tel: +593 2 3238688
Contact: Sabrina Lustgarten

HIAS provide humanitarian assistance, psychological help, and integration/self-sufficiency programmes. The Centre for Information and Orientation (CINOR) provides information for refugees and asylum seekers on their legal rights and available social services, including micro-credit and job opportunities.

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Avenida de la República E 4 – 87 e Inglaterra, Quito
Contact: Karin Eder

The NRC provides legal assistance (legal aid, advocacy) for victims of forced displacement, in particular with regard to housing, land and property rights, and for victims of sexual and gender-based violence. They provide orientation information, counselling and education programmes for displaced children and adolescents, and also promote and advocate for changes in policy to ensure the protection of displaced and indigenous populations. NRC provides legal assistance, usually through individual casework, but it may also entail class action. NRC pursues legal action through all relevant local, national and international legal systems and mechanisms, including customary law, conflict resolution and mediation mechanisms and any other prevalent systems of law – in addition to statutory law and the courts. NRC may provide training in legal issues to target groups and key local actors – to establish a platform of understanding of rights and applicable law, and subsequent legal approaches to key issues.