Denmark Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Denmark.

For Denmark country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.


Website link
Contact person: Elna Søndergaard /Ioanna Schuppert

DIGNITY is one of the world’s first anti-torture NGOs and specialized treatment centres for torture survivors. For 40 years, DIGNITY has been a leading civil society force in the global fight against torture.

Danish Refugee Council
Facebook | Twitter
Borgergade 10, 3.sal, 1300 Copenhagen K
Tel: +45 33 73 50 00

The DRC has a counselling centre which is open to everyone on Wednesdays between 10am – 1pm. Or you can contact our asylum counsel service on the phone 33 73 50 00 Monday – Friday between 9:00 to 15:00. You can also send us questions via e-mail on

The DRC offers personal legal counselling even if your application has been rejected. Our legal team knows the procedures, rules and regulations of Danish and international law. If you have questions about for example detention, review of a case, deportation or if you have received a letter you don’t understand, they can help you.

The Danish Refugee Council pays regular visits to the Danish asylum centres where they give counsel and answer questions with interpreters

Note: If you visit them at their offices and you don’t speak English or Danish, you will need to bring your own interpreter. Counselling via phone is also in English or Danish. All employees of the Danish Refugee Council have a duty of confidentiality.

Amnesty Internaitonal (Denmark)

(Member of ELENA)

Gammeltorv 8, 5. sal
DK-1457 Copenhagen K
Tel.: +45 33 45 65 65

Services provided: Country documentation and information to lawyers. Studies on international and national law relating to refugees and to some extend migrants.

Red Cross

Contacts for asylum officials:

Røde Kors (Main office for asylum)
Rosenørns Alle 31 2. sal, 1970 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Tel: +45 35 43 22 44

Contacts for asylum officials:
Anne la Cour, Head of Asylum, +45 24 65 48 77
Maja Rettrup Mørch, Head of Secretariat, +45 28 59 33 56
Anne Skovgaard, Press Officer, +45 30 51 35 33
Tracing – contact by email:

The Red Cross operates a number of reception centres for asylum seekers in Denmark. The centres are open facilities, often categorised according to the type of resident group they house, i.e. newly-arrived asylum seekers, families, extra and special care individuals, and single men or women. The following is a list of contacts within the Red Cross and a list of reception centres the Red Cross is responsible for. We list here the main centres that are run by the Red Cross. In addition there are other centres which are organised through the municipalities which you can find on this link.

Please note that to trace your relatives, you have to send an email to:

September 2014: The large influx of asylum seekers means that the immigration authorities have had to open temporary accommodation places on short notice to supplement capacity for asylum centres. It may be in camping cabins and hotels for example. The temporary accommodation is spread throughout the country and created on very short notice. Where and when is determined by the immigration authorities, just as the authorities make the decision whether the Red Cross or municipalities will be responsible for the daily operation of the centres.

Reception centres in Denmark

Following is a list of reception centres run by the Red Cross.

Center Sandholm
Sandholmgårdsvej 40, 3460 Birkerød
Tel: +45 35 27 99 00
Michael Ehrenfels, Head of Centre

Center Sandholm is partly a reception centre for newly-arrived refugees as well as an outbound centre for rejected asylum seekers and residents on exceptional leave to remain. Sandholm has a health clinic, clothing shop, IT café, nursery, children’s club, and a variety of activities and internship offers. The residents eat partly in the cafeteria, partly preparing the food themselves. There are many activities at the centre. Children go to the Red Cross School in Lynge or at local schools.

Center Helsingør
Esrumvej 145, 3000 Helsingør
Tel: +45 35 27 93 30
Michael Ehrenfels, Head of Centre

Center Helsingør is located in the former Helsingør Hospital and it works as a reception centre for newly arrived refugees. Refugees stay here for approximately 14 days before being further moved to a residential centre. Registration and conversations for the authorities are held at the Center Sandholm. The centre has a range of health care services, a nursery and classes for children and adults. There are a number of leisure activities such as IT café and a fitness room. The centre has a canteen where residents have their meals.

Center Kongelunden
Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør
+45 32 53 16 55
Gitte Nielsen, Head of Centre

Center Kongelunden is a special centre for asylum seekers in need of extra and special care. The centre has its own health clinic with doctors and nurses, and in addition there are psychologists and a physiotherapist employed because of the particular group of residents. The Centre’s children go to the Red Cross school in Dianalund or at local schools. A number of volunteers participate in activities in Kongelunden.

Kalvebodvej 250, 2791 Dragør
+45 35 27 97 20
Gitte Nielsen, Head of Centre

Kvindeafdelingen (“The Female Department”) is the Red Cross’ special accommodation centre for single women with or without children. The women live in the ward, while the authorities are handling their case. The women are taught in the Red Cross’ school for adults in Frederiksberg, as well as many activities at the centre itself, including a choir. The children at the centre attend the centre school in Dianalund or local schools. Kvindeafdelingen is next door to the Center Kongelunden.

Center Auderød
Auderødvej 90, 3300 Frederiksværk
+45 35 27 90 00
Michael Vinther, Head of Centre

Center Auderød is a receiving and departure centre for singles and families. The centre houses a kindergarten, activity club, health clinic and a school for children and adults and it has special housing and leisure activities for women. The location is in beautiful surroundings on Arrenæs by Frederiksværk providing excellent opportunities for sports and outdoors recreational activities. A number of volunteers participate in activities with the residents, including sports and arts.

Center Avnstrup
Avnstrupvej 1, 4330 Hvalsø
+45 35 27 98 00
Claus Pedersen, Head of Centre

Center Avnstrup is a newcomer centre and departure centre for refused asylum seekers. The centre is located in beautiful forest surroundings at Hvalsø and it has a kindergarten, children’s club and various activities and internship offers. The residents cook their own meals and a number of volunteers participate in activities at the centre, which has close ties to the local area. Children and adults go to school at the Red Cross school in Dianalund or children are taught in local schools.

Center Jægerspris
Hovedgaden 15, 3630 Jægerspris
+45 35 27 86 60
Caroline A. Madsen, Head of Centre

Center Jægerspris is a temporary reception centre for unaccompanied children and young people, situated as part of the Jægerspris Castle in beautiful surroundings. The children go to the Red Cross school in Dianalund, and return in the afternoon and during the evening they may participate in various activities such as football, table tennis, movie nights, bingo and various creative possibilities. After the temporary stay, the young people are moved to a child and youth centre where they live while their cases are being processed.

Center Gribskov
Gantekrogsvej 9, 3230 Græsted
Henrik Askholt, Head of Centre

Center Gribskov is a centre for unaccompanied children and young people with streetoriented behaviour, situated in the middle of Grib Skov (Grib Forest) in beautiful surroundings.

Center Jelling
Søndervang 2, 7300 Jelling
+45 35 27 97 90
Solveig Vestergaard, Head of Centre

Center Jelling is an accommodation centre located in the middle of Jelling City, and has close ties to the local community’s leisure and cultural life. The residents are self catering. The centre has a playroom and the children go to a nearby municipal after-school activities youth club. Teaching takes place primarily at the neighbouring defunct town hall, which was converted into an asylum school in 2010.

Center Thyregod
Thyregodvej 44, 7323 Give
+45 35 27 96 00
Solveig Vestergaard, Head of Centre

Center Thyregod, which is located on the outskirts of Thyregod city, is a centre for single men. They live at the centre, while the authorities are processing their cases. All the offers are in Jelling city, where residents from Thyregod Centre get health care, education and are introduced to employment programmes. Centre Thyregod offers activities run by volunteers and activation employees. Preferably, there are only staff at the centre in the daytime.

Center Ebeltoft
Mariesmindevej 1, 8400 Ebeltoft
+45 35 27 86 34
Helle Ganer, Functional Manager

Center Ebeltoft, which is situated in the outskirts of Ebeltoft city, is a centre for single men. They receive health care, education and activational job offers at the centre. Center Ebeltoft also offers a range of leisure activities, which the volunteers are in charge of.

Center Sigerslev
Mandehoved 9, 4660 Sigerslev
+45 35 27 87 30
Helle Jørgensen, Head of Centre

Center Sigerslev is located in beautiful surroundings within walking distance of Stevns Klint (Stevns Cliff). The centre is for single men, who receive education, activational job programmes and health care at the centre.

Center Bornholm
Slottet, Zartmannsvej 2, 3700 Rønne
+45 35 27 93 10
Michael Vinther, Head of Centre

Center Rønne/’Slottet’ (”The Castle”) is centrally located in Rønne and it is a centre both for singles and for families. The centre is run in partnership with the regional municipality of Bornholm. The municipality is responsible for kindergartens, leisure and educational facilities for children, while the Red Cross is responsible for the daily operation of health care services, education, activation programmes and leisure activities for adults.

Refugees Welcome
Dronningensgade 14
DK-1420 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel: +45 50 55 80 11
Contact person: Michala Clante Bendixen

We help with casework and counselling to refugees living in the centers or underground. We have extensive experience in the treatment of asylum cases, and we can help with legal issues. For example, we can help to investigate whether there is room for the resumption of a rejected asylum case. And we can recommend a good lawyer if the case be in Refugee Board. This is done free of charge every Wednesday from 3 to 7 pm for refugees and asylum seekers.

The Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) or
Borgergade 13, P.O. Box 2107, DK-1014 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel.: +45 33 76 06 00 (main number)
Tel.: +45 36 93 86 47 (direct number)
Fax: +45 33 76 05 10

RCT, as well as being a research-led organisation contributing to the global knowledge on rehabilitation and prevention of torture, offers rehabilitation programmes for torture survivors in Denmark. The RCT also provides information and reports on torture, co-operating with with partner organisations in the South on rehabilitation and prevention of torture, and aids in capacity development.

The Trampoline House
Skyttegade 3, ground floor, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 32 20 02 25

The aim of the house is to break with the isolation and victimisation that people seeking asylum experience in Danish asylum camps and to fight for a more just and humane asylum system in Denmark.

The house is open 5 days a week and offers different activities, for instance: Dinners, debates, cultural events, youth club, yoga, magazine production, theatre workshops. Legal counselling is offered every Wednesday from 5-7 pm with some of the best immigration lawyers in Denmark.


LGBT Asylum Denmark
Tel: +45 71 52 33 97

LGBT Asylum is a group of LGBT people – asylum seekers, Danish citizens and persons residing in Denmark. LGBT Asylum works for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in the Danish asylum system, and we do support and counselling for LGBT asylum applicants.

LGBT Danmark – The Danish National Organisation for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered persons.
Postboks 1023, 1007, København K
For visits: Nygade 7, 2., 1164 København K
Tel: +45 33 13 19 48

LGBT Denmark works for equal opportunities regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation. They have three pillars: 1) political work, 2) counselling and information, and 3) social activities. LGBT Denmark offers legal advice for people in the LGBT community including counselling of LGBT asylum seekers. LGBT Denmark is a member organisation of the Danish Refugee Council.