North Korea Pro Bono Directory

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea does not host any refugees according to UNHCR statistics.

For North Korea country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR)
Facebook | Twitter
Gonghwa Building 10F, 7-2 Chungjeong-ro 2-ga, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel/Fax: +82 27 23 16 72

NKHR is a Seoul-based NGO that advocates for the human rights of the people of North Korea. NKHR campaigns domestically and internationally for improved human rights and provides assistance to North Korean refugees and those who have re-settled in South Korea. NKHR’s work for North Korean refugees includes advocating for better treatment of North Korean refugees in third countries, particularly China, where nearly all North Koreans refugees must pass through. NKHR also provides direct assistance to North Korean refugees who are in hiding in China.

Helping Hands Korea (HHK)
Helping Hands Korea, KPO Box 677, Seoul, 110-110, Republic of Korea

Helping Hands Korea (HHK) endeavors to support the most vulnerable sectors in North Korea (DPRK) society as well as those who have fled the DPRK and are living clandestinely as refugees living in China. In cases where North Korean refugees face imminent danger of forced repatriation, HHK facilitates the evacuation of refugees to safe third countries where their rights as refugees are respected. HHK provides food, clothing, medicines and nutritional supplements to those living at greatest risk within North Korea, including orphaned children, school children in impoverished areas, the handicapped, the elderly and single parents. HHK makes a special effort to lend practical assistance to those citizens whose right to religious freedom has been severely curtailed. The East Asia-based organisation also provides foster care and supplementary stipend aid for children in China who have become orphaned when their North Korean mothers, victims of human trafficking, experience life-threatening forcible repatriation from China to the DPRK.