Czech Republic Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Czech Republic.

For Czech Republic country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.

AgiLawyer s. r. o., Za Poříčskou Bránou 365/21, 186 00 Prague 8

UA.SUPPORT is a distribution platform that allows to connect a request from Ukrainian refugees for legal support related to migration to different countries with a lawyer who has decided to provide pro bono legal support in this field.

We are helping in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Israel, Spain, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Finland, Czech Republic.

More detailed information you can find in Terms & Conditions – UA.SUPPORT

Asociace pro právní otázky imigrace (ASIM)

(Member of ELENA)
P.O.BOX 16, Moravská 9,
120 00 Praha 2

The Association for Legal Immigration issues, os (ASIM) is a human rights civil association founded in June 2009, a group of young lawyers sharing a long-standing interest in the issue of migration and refugees. The association aims to identify gaps regulatory issues related to immigration and promoting their rehabilitation. To achieve this ASIM mainly uses the method of strategic litigation – the representation and other assistance to foreigners in selected legal cases, whose outcome could lead to promote systemic changes. Besides this activity ASIM also focuses on providing legal advice to foreigners and implementation of analytical, information and education activities aimed at professionals and the general public. The basic principle of the association is to preserve its independence. There is ASIM seeks to ensure not only the technical and professional levels of their activities, but also the strict principles of its financing enshrined in the statute of the association. For this reason, ASIM receives funding exclusively from private individuals and non-governmental entities.

Association for Migration and Integration
Senovážná 2, 110 00 Prague 1
+420 22 42 24 379 or +420 60 32 53 994

Association for Integration and Migration is a non-profit organisation helping foreigners in the Czech Republic, with special focus on asylum seekers and refugees. It has a well established tradition of providing legal and social counseling to foreigners, such as asylum seekers, refugees, labour migrants, undocumented migrants and their families. As integral part of its activities it is working with the broader public on cultivating tolerance and combating xenophobia and racism. We are involved in several projects with the focus on migration and immigration issues and we frequently co-operate with international, national or regional governments; non-profit organisations and academic bodies.

Charita Česká republika (Caritas Czech Republic)
Centres and contact details available on their website

Helps foreigners in the Czech Republic who find themselves in difficult situations. This group includes refugees and foreigners to their homeland have driven war, persecution or poverty. In the Centres work is focused more on psychosocial assistance and on helping to provide group and free-time activities. Specialised assistance is also give to unaccompanied minors.

Český Helsinský Výbor (Czech Helsinki Committee) / In English
Facebook | Twitter
Štefánikova 21, 150 00 Prague 5
Tel.: 257 221 142

Amongst the activities of the Czech Helsinki Committee is giving free legal aid to refugees and stateless people.

Ekumenická Rada Církví v České Republice (Czech Ecumenical Council of Churches)
Vranovska 26-28, 61400 Brno
Tel: (4205) 58 11 16 or 54 52 13 643
Fax: (4205) 45 21 37 46
Contact Persons: Fr. Cristian Popescu, Fr. Libor Racalavksy

Pastoral care, social counselling and assistance, legal counselling, integration, spiritual guidance.


(Member of ELENA)
Legerova 50
120 00 Praha 2
Tel.: (+420) 224 941 415
Mobil: (+420) 739 037 353
This is an organisation based inn the Czech Republic and is dedicated to promoting integration activities within the community and various social programs for migrants and the Czech public. The organisation is based in the community center in Prague InBáze and at the community center Rakovice in South Bohemia.

Organizace na Pomoc Uprchlikum (Organization for Aid to Refugees)
Kovarska 4, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 28 46 83 714
Fax: +420 23 33 71 258
Email contact information available on their website

OPU is a UNHCR partner. OPU provides specific legal and social aid, information, advice, and assistance in dealing with the Czech authorities and organisations; informs asylum-seekers on their rights and obligations in relation to the asylum – seeking procedures; and works to improve the quality of life in the camps for asylum-seekers.

Poradna pro integraci (PPI) (Counselling Centre for Integration)
Contact details and opening hours are on their website
Opletalova 921/6 (vchod pasáží Opletalka – Opletalova 4), 110 00 Praha 1
Tel: +420 739 571 105 pr +420 603 281 269


Free legal advice is provided by the PPI. CCI has many years of practical experience particularly in the areas covered by the Law on Aliens Law on Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship and Asylum Act.

PPI can provide: information about the legal system in the Czech Republic; consultation and assistance of a lawyer during the administrative proceedings, or subsequent administrative proceedings; consultations and a lawyer representing clients in civil proceedings; training and lectures.

Sdružení Občanů Zabývajících Se Emigranty (Society of Citizens Assisting Migrants)
Bridge 5, 614 00 Brno
Tel: + 420 545 213 643
Fax: + 420 515 536 356

SOZE is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide assistance to refugees and other categories of foreigners coming to the Czech Republic. This assistance is free legal, social and psychological counselling, the implementation of leisure and educational programs, and complex social and legal assistance to long-established aliens and recognized refugees in the strenuous process of integration into mainstream society.

Sdruzeni Pro Integraci a Migraci (SIM) (Association for Integration and Migration) – previously Counselling Centre for Refugees
Senovážná 2, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel: +420 60 54 41 267
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesay and Thursday 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00.
Helpline: +420 224 224 379. Open Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 17:00

Services are available at the Prague office and at Ministry of Interior Refugee Centres. AIM lawyers also visit Detention Centres for Foreign Nationals, where persons who have somehow broken the laws of their stay on the territory of the Czech Republic are placed.

General information on legal situation is offered to all asylum seekers and refugees. In certain cases, their lawyers provide individual assistance and help for the entirety of the legal process. Help is also give in dealing with the police.

Clients who have experienced trauma are offered psychological counselling. Psychological counselling is currently provided in the Prague office. If during such session serious psychological or psychosomatic problems are encountered, the psychologist refers the client for further professional medical help.