Costa Rica Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Costa Rica.

For Costa Rica country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Click here for UNHCR contact information for Costa Rica


La Asociación de Consultores y Asesores Internacionales ACAI

Avenida 2 y 4, calle 24. Paseo Colón, del Edificio Torre Mercedes, 150 mts Sur.
TC480: J. Fonseca – A. Lazo

provides legal aid and engages in policy advocacy. 

Alianza Por Tus Derechos
Santa Marta de Montes de Oca, San Pedro.
Tel: +506 25 24 13 27

The defence of Human Rights of all people is a fundamental principle in our organisation. We are prepared to attend people in broad areas such as Sexual Abuse, violence, abandonment, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Labour and trafficking, etc. We provide free legal assistance (for those on low economic resources and a symbolic cost for those that have resources) which covers enquiries, complaints, follow up and coordination in any case of violation of the human rights of minors. We provide legal assistance to those refugees who are minors.


Asociación de profesionales en desarrollo para las personas en condición de pobreza (Association of Professionals to develop people living under conditions of poverty) (APRODE)

Dir. Moravia, 200m Norte de Burger King.
Tel: 22 25 28 10
Fax: 22 80 11 91

Its staff has more than 10 years of experience in executing and managing credit programmes oriented to the population in conditions of poverty and social exclusion. Currently, there are the following programmes: Credit Programme for integration and development; Credit Programme for Refugees in Costa Rica, sponsored by UNHCR and coordinated by ACAI is recognized as a model in Latin America (more than 700 credits and more than 1000 new jobs were created by this programme of high social impact that transform a population subject to social assistance to actively economic people who generate jobs and development to the country).

It focuses on gender issues, micro-entrepreneurs, refugees, adults, single mothers and women victims of domestic violence, as well as socially excluded. All productive activities are focused on the use of technology and with the aim to generating jobs with sustainable development.

Centro Internacional para los Derechos Humanos de los Migrantes (CIDEHUM)
Facebook | Twitter
San Pedro de Montes de Oca. Oficentro Casa Alameda, oficina n°7. San José, Costa Rica.
Tel: +506 22 80 89 68
Fax: +506 22 34 01 82

CIDEHUM provides legal assistance, psychosocial services and orientation to migrants and asylum seekers in order to obtain relevant documents. CIDEHUM carries out monitoring of migration and asylum laws and rules developed by the state, some of these such as the new law against human trafficking under collaboration with CIDEHUM, from a legal human rights perspective.

El CIDEHUM, da orientación jurídica, atención psicosocial y fundamentalmente orienta a los y las migrantes y solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, en el marco de la gestión que debe llevarse a cabo para obtener documentos.CIDEHUM colabora en el monitoreo leyes y reglamentos, algunas de ellas, como la ley contra la trata de personas, resultado directo de la labor de incidencia y trabajo directo con las autoridades de Poder Ejecutivo y Judicial, desde la perspectiva jurídica de protección a los derechos humanos de poblaciones vulnerables.

Contact person: Dolores Corrales en la Frontera Norte Costa Rica-Nicaragua, Casa de los Derechos
Tel: (506) 24702122


San Jose Office: Del BCR 25 metros Este, 25 metros Norte, Sabanilla, Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica.
Tel: +506 22 24 74 78 or 22 53 43 52
Contact Person: Maricela Hinkelammert, San José, Costa Rica
Tel: (506) 24702122


Upala Centro, de La Fiscalia 50 metros al este, Upala, Costa Rica.
Tel: 24 70 21 22 or 24 70 04 78

CENDEROS offers assistance to all migrants and refugees that need support with legal and psychosocial matters. We also provide information and orientation regarding labour rights and migration. We accompany and provide support with paperwork. On weekends, our central office offers a place of training and rest during the day to women that are domestic workers. Our Upala office promotes and supports projects directed to the empowering of women. We work with the cominities of Upala, Los Chiles, Guatuso and the Southern Micro-region of Nicaragua.

CENDEROS ofrece asistencia a cualquier persona migrante o refugiada que necesite nuestro apoyo en asuntos legales, psico socials. Además brinda información y orientación sobre derechos laborales y migratorios, así como facilitar los tramites migratorios y se le da acompañamiento.En la sede central, funciona los fines de semana la Casa de la Mujer Migrante donde las mujeres migrantes trabajadoras domesticas pueden pasar el dia descansando, capacitandose.Desde la sede Upala se promueven y apoyan proyectos de emprendimiento de mujeres. Se trabaja con las comunidades de Upala, Los Chiles, Guatuso y la Micro-Región Sur de Nicaragua.

Iglesia Luterana Costarricense

1890-1002. Paseo de los Estudiantes, San José, Costa Rica.
Tel: (506) 2226-1792, (506) 2227-8080

Provides humanitarian aid and pastoral accompaniment to people in vulnerable situations. One of its objectives is to ensure that migrants and refugees have decent work and a fair wage.

Asociación de Trabajadoras Domésticas (ASTRADOMES)

De plaza cristal 125 metros este y 25 Norte, Curridabat San José Costa Rica
Tel: 22 80 16 46

Defends the rights of domestic workers (including migrants).


Country Director: Gabriela Nuñez
TEL: +506 40 00 44 27 ext. 2006

HIAS protects and supports refugees to build new lives and reunite with family members in safety and freedom. HIAS Costa Rica’s protection program includes individual legal representation, access to legal information, border monitoring activities, and training for local authorities. HIAS’ economic inclusion program helps refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants access dignified and sustainable livelihoods, leading to self-reliance and inclusion in their new communities.

RET in Costa Rica

San José, Montes de Oca, San Pedro, Barrio Los Yoses, de la Iglesia de Fátima, 100 Este, 50 Sur, San José, Costa Rica

Responds to specific protection needs of refugees and asylum-seekers including case management and psychosocial support, community based protection and cash grants.

Red de Víctimas Colombianas por la Paz en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (REVICPAZ – LAC)

The Colombian Victims for Peace Network in Latin American and the Caribbean advocates for international protection (rights of people in need of protection).

Instituto Sobre Refugio LGBTIQ para Centroamerica IRCA

Tel: +506 2234-1007 or +506 8448-7128

A non-profit organization which generates actions of political advocacy, research, training and comprehensive psychosocial assistance. It directs its actions to improve the quality of life and generate development opportunities for LGBTIQ populations, who are in forced migration and seeking refuge within the Central American area

Red Jesuita con Migrantes


Seeks to accompany migrants, displaced persons and refugees in an effective, coordinated and comprehensive way from very diverse areas: pastoral, educational, social, research, etc. It is part of the Jesuit Refugee Service (SJR), the Jesuit Migrant Service (SJM) and other programs of Universities, Parishes, Colleges of the Society of Jesus on migration, displacement and refuge from the American continent. The RJM-LAC maintains that everyone has the right to live, work and realize themselves humanely and fully in their place or country of origin.