Colombia Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Colombia.

For Colombia country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Click here for UNHCR contact information for Colombia.


Fundación ProBono

Tel:(571) 7559455

Establishing access to justice for those people or organizations that do not have economic resources to access and pay for quality legal services. This objective is accomplished through a network of members from firms, corporate legal groups, and independent lawyers that take cases in a voluntary, free manner.

Refugee Law Legal Clinic

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas (Faculty of Law), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Cra. 7 No. 40-62 Bogotá, Colombia
Tel: 601 320 8320 Ext. 2379 – 2428 or ext. 5236 -5407

The Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia has a legal clinic for asylum seekers, together with UNHCR and the Catholic Church. Most cases are Cubans who come through Venezuela. The legal clinic has eight years of practice representing Cuban asylum seekers, among others from diverse nationalities, before the Colombian refugee authority.

Programa de Atención Jurídica Integral a la Población Víctima de Desplazamiento Forzado del Consultorio Jurídico “Guillermo Peña Alzate” Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de Antioquia.

(Forced displacement victims’ legal Assistance Programme ” Guillermo Peña Alzate” Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Antioquia.)
Edificio Antigua Escuela de Derecho, Calle 49 Nº 42A-39 (Ayacucho con Girardot), oficina 11
Tel: (0057) 21 99 861 or (0057) 21 99 869
Email: or or or
Coordinator: Jaime Alberto Agudelo Figueroa
Opening times: Monday to Friday 08:00-16:00

This programme was developed as an answer to the need witnessed by the Faculty of Law and Political Science to assist, accompany and provide legal advice to the population victim of forced displacement, in order to obtain the demand of their fundamental and human rights.

Este programa surgió como respuesta a la necesidad de asesoría, acompañamiento y atención jurídica integral a la población víctima de desplazamiento forzado para la exigibilidad de sus derechos humanos y fundamentales, evidenciada por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Políticas.


Fundación ayuda En acción

Bogotá: Cra 16 #93a -16 OFI 20
Tel: 031 7431587

Ayuda en Acción works on 3 continents accompanying children and youth to give them a dignified present and a future with opportunities.


Calle 6N # 5-14 Barrio Colpet, Norte de Santander
Tel: 607 5710379

Corprodinco works to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities, through the management of alliances, knowledge and social innovation.

Fundación caminantes tricolor

Calle 2 #3-55, Motilones, Cúcuta en la Casa Frontera Morada
Tel: (+57) 300 6377645

Support with donations to walkers of the Cúcuta – Bucaramanga route

Agencia Presidencial para la Accion Social y la Cooperacion Internacional (Presidential Agency to Social Action an International Cooperation)

Calle 7 No. 6-54, Bogota, DC.
Tel: (+57) (60) (1) 596 0800 /01/02 / Toll-Free in Bogotá 5954410 / National Toll-Free: 018000951100
Fax: 284 4120
Contact: Through their internet contact form – click here. Please note that a National ID or Alien ID number is required to complete the contact form.
Opening Hours: 8:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:45

AIMS: it aims at coordinating, managing and executing social action programmes, policies and projects directed to poor and vulnerable people and development projects, by coordinating and promoting national and international, technical and financial, cooperation to reach economic and social development in Colombia, mainly Colombians affected by violence and in conditions of vulnerability

It is a public agency to serve the Latin American community. Among its programmes, there are those that provide humanitarian assistance to people displaced by violence including refugees.

Fundación Brisas Del Norte
Riohacha la Guajira, Carrera 50 #14E-53
Contact: Jairo Luis Ibarra Carmona
Tel: 3015638245

Fundación Brisas del Norte is an organization that aims for the protection of vulnerable communities inside the Colombian territory.

Asociación Nacional de Afrocolombianos Desplazados

AFRODES’ mission is to establish itself as an organization that provides guidance, support, accompaniment, advice, and training and dialogue in defense of the rights and cultural identity of the Afro-Colombian population in a situation of displacement; thus seeking more dignified life alternatives for its members; by raising awareness of Colombian society, in the face of the displacement of black communities; and proposing to the state policies for the management and solution of this problem.

Fundacion Vida Nueva para Colombia

Carrera 44 a No 22 – 11
Tel: (+57) 310 206 07 84

Vida Nueva Foundation for Colombia is a non-profit entity, legally constituted, that has worked for several years in the national territory, contributing to social and spiritual well-being, contributing to the peace of our country, providing solutions to problems that affect our society through projects and brigades aimed at: unprotected children, female head of household, domestic violence, and adults in situations of extreme poverty in marginalized sectors and places.

Misioneros de San Carlos Scalabrinianos

web site link
CL 47A 9-65 Camilo Daza, Cúcuta
Tel: (+ 57) 7 573 5533

Liga de Mujeres Desplazadas
Getsemaní, Calle Del Espíritu Santo Nº 29 – 158, Cartagena de Indias
Tel: (+57) 60 5 660 0125 / 2302
Fax: (+57) 5 660 2302
Email: or or
Contact: Patricia Guerrero


Carrera 85D No. 46A – 65, Complejo logístico San Cayetano.
tel: (+57) 60 1 4261111


Calle 49 No 50-21 piso 14, Edificio del Café.

The LMD strives for recognition of refugee status for women and communities that have been forcibly displaced from the border areas. They work to ensure justice, reparation and effective compensation, secure return to those displaced women deciding to do so, as well as resettlement of displaced women when relocated. Advocate for the Colombian state’s fulfilment of its human rights obligations, with an emphasis on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of displaced women and recipient populations, their children and the elderly.  Training for women in their fundamental rights (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, etc..) and International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, with the objective of empowering and increasing knowledge to demand accountability in their own communities.


Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados Colombia (Jesuit Refugee Service Colombia)
Contact Person: John J Montoya R, SJ (National Director)
Email: or

Director: Alex Linares


Cra 15 #  50-30 Barrio Colombia
Tel: +(57) 60 7 611 49 41 or 09 76 22 27 14
Fax: 76 22 85 24


Bogotá: Cra 25 # 39-79 Barrio La Soledad
Tel: +(57) 60 1 368 14 66
Fax: 12 69 92 29


Cra 16  # 3-26 Barrio El Firme
Tel: +(57) 60 2 240 19 60


Avenida 1 No. 27-131 Barrio San Rafael – Curia Diocesana
Tel: +(57) 60 7 572 73 93, ext.117


Cra 7 # 17-35 Parroquia San Pablo
Tel: +(57) 60 7 623 60 21


Soacha:  Calle 10 # 8-88
Tel: +(57) 60 1 775 15 23

Servico Jesuita a Refugiados (JRS Colombia) offer services in Magdalena, Valle del Cauca, Soacha and Cucuta. In these four regions, SJR works to ensure the rights of those displaced, promoting their rights through educative, advocacy and psychosocial projects, and the ability to provide legal aid.

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Colombia
Carrera 9 Nº 81A – 26, Piso 9, Bogotá
Tel: (+57) 60 + 1 + 31 71 481 or +57 60+1+5141091
Fax: (+57) 1 31 71 504
Email: or or

The NRC provides legal assistance (legal aid, advocacy) for victims of forced displacement, in particular with regard to housing, land and property rights, and for victims of sexual and gender-based violence. They provide orientation information, counselling and education programmes for displaced children and adolescents, and also promote and advocate for changes in policy to ensure the protection of displaced and indigenous populations. NRC provides legal assistance, usually through individual casework, but it may also entail class action. NRC pursues legal action through all relevant local, national and international legal systems and mechanisms, including customary law, conflict resolution and mediation mechanisms and any other prevalent systems of law – in addition to statutory law and the courts. NRC may provide training in legal issues to target groups and key local actors – to establish a platform of understanding of rights and applicable law, and subsequent legal approaches to key issues.

Last update: 18 July 2022