Burundi Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Burundi.

For Burundi country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi (AFJB) – The Association of Female Lawyers of Burundi

(Website under construction) – in the meantime: http://www.unhcr.org/48fdeb881a.html
28, Avenue des Etats Unis, Rohero, Bujumbura.
Tel: (+257) 22 24 37 33 or 22 24 93 53
Email: afjuristesbu@yahoo.fr

The Association of Female Lawyers of Burundi offers counseling, legal advice, information on rights, drafting of legal documents, legal support and legal assistance.

Association for the Defense of Refugee Rights / Association de Defense des Droits des Refugies (ADR-Burundi)

Camp de Kinama, Gasorwe, Burundi
Contact person: Mr Swedi Fataki Mutambala, President
Tel: +25 77 94 45 120 or +25 77 91 04 868 or +25 77 94 78 222 or +25 77 91 86 812 or +25 77 93 74 908
Email: addrvcb@yahoo.fr

ADR-Burundi is an organisation set up by refugees to provide representation for and advocate on behalf of refugees who find themselves in Burundi. They work in partnership with other human rights organisations within Burundi and the region to provide assistance to refugees and report on abuses committed against them and their rights.

Current projects include the provision of legal aid, the monitoring of cases of repatriation, countering violence against women and children, monitoring and promoting human rights and freedom of expression, and supporting orphans and vulnerable children.

Avocats Sans Frontières

Facebook | Twitter
Avenue Nzero n°18, B.P. 27 82 Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel.: (00 257) 22 24 16 77 or (00 257) 22 24 63 35
Fax: (00 257) 22 24 16 75
Email: bur@asf-be

The primary goal of Avocats Sans Frontiéres (ASF) is to contribute to the establishment of institutions and mechanisms that allow for access to independent and impartial justice, and which are capable of guaranteeing the protection of fundamental rights (civil and political, economic and social), including the right to a fair trial. ASF implements projects aimed at providing legal advice and assistance in collaboration with national lawyers and for the following categories of beneficiaries: minors, women, detainees, victims of human rights violations and fundamental freedoms. Refugees suffering such violations of their right may seek ASF assistance. In Burundi, it is planning to extend the capacity of its partners to the deal with cases falling under the1951 Convention. In the absence of other sources of such specialized legal aid, refugees are encouraged to contact the ASF office.

Initiative for Peace and Human Rights (iPeace)

No. 7, Avenue de la Mission, BNEC Building, Office No. 8, Bujumbura
Tel: (+257)76337249
Email: ines.nkanira@iphr-ipdh.org
Contact Person: Ines Nkanira (Country Director)

Initiatives for Peace and Human Rights (iPeace) is a non profit organization that works to help communities and individuals in Africa’s Great Lakes Region achieve sustainable peaceful coexistence using human rights and good governance education. iPeace has independently registered organisations in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, which closely collaborate to achieve their shared mission. iPeace provides legal aid to asylum-seekers and refugees in the DRC, Burundi and Rwanda.

ITEKA: Ligue Burundaise des Droits de l’Homme

Avenue de la Mission No. 29, BP 177, Bujumbura
Tel: + 25 72 28 636 or 21 16 23
Euphorbia Avenue No. 4, Bujumbura
Tel: + 25 72 45 639 or 24 56 40
Contact Person: Ndayizeye Joseph
Email: ndayijo@yahoo.fr

Ligue ITEKA was formed in 1991 and was the first human rights organisation to be allowed to operate openly in Burundi. It embraces three key pillars of its work: defense of human rights through monitoring and denunciation of human rights violations, promotion of human rights through education in order to empower individuals to defend their rights, and to place rights issues in the broader political context and to advocate for new laws and strategies to address emerging issues.

Ligue ITEKA has sections operating in all of Burundi’s provinces. It conducts monitoring throughout the country through a network of observers. In addition, it offers direct legal assistance in cases of disappearances, arbitrary detention and other legal proceedings. Ligue ITEKA is also a member of a number of international networks including the African NGO Refugee Protection Network, the Ligue des Droits de la Personne de la région des Grands Lacs (LDGL), the Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), and the Union Interafricaine des Droits de l’Homme (UIDH).

The situation of returnees and internally displaced persons is one major focus of Ligue ITEKA. Recognizing that these populations are particularly vulnerable to human rights violations, the organisation makes a particular effort to include them in programming. In addition, Ligue ITEKA runs a project on monitoring repatriation and reintegration of returnees and the displaced. The project seeks to ensure that return occurs in conditions of security and dignity and that the return was durable. Ligue ITEKA offers legal services and advocates for policies that protect the rights of the displaced and returnees and promotes reintegration.

Nibitegeka & Co. Advocates

Rohero 1, 11 Avenue de Grèce, Building ‘Nkamicaniye’, 1st Floor, Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel: +257 22 27 74 88
Email: info@nibitegekaadvocates.bi
Contact Person: Kamariyagwe Nadege

The law firm Nibitegeka is a body of lawyers and consultants who decided to put together their respective expertise to provide clients with high quality work with due professional care. They are based in Burundi and can provide the following services: information and advice on the asylum procedure; orientation according to client needs; research and obtaining of administrative documents; and legal representation of asylum seekers in all courts in the asylum procedure.

Rema Ministires

Email: remaministries@yahoo.com

Rema is a Christian NGO, which identifies itself with refugees and other disadvantaged people from/in Burundi. They try to sensitise and mobilise members of the community and especially leaders about the ills harming the community, work with the community to eradicate those ills.

Rema provides social support to meet material needs. They also run Community Based Education on HIV/AIDS among refugees in Tanzania and among returnees and other disadvantaged people in Burundi. We have also started an Orphan Care Training Program for the year 2006 both in Nairobi and in the Tanzanian camps.

Rema has been trying to prepare refugees for repatriation, help them talk over difficult issues with those in Burundi as part of peace building, forgiveness and reconciliation, reconstruction and trauma healing.

SAP/GL (Solidarité d’Action pour la Paix / Grands Lacs) (French speaking)

Commune Kinindo, Avenue Mumirwa N° 53, PO Box: 1755 Bujumbura
Telephone: +79 944 770
Office: +257 22277496

SAP/GL is a non-profit organisation that advocates against torture, helps torture survivors and combat ethnic divides. They identify refugee and returnee victims of torture, gather information on their behalf and assess their needs, provide counselling, psychosocial assistance and medical treatment in their clinic in Bujumbura. They also assist in vocational or technical training and basic micro business skill training (income generating activities). SAP/GL has a personnel constituency of 36 volunteer workers and compensated staff including lawyer, social workers, nurses, psychologists and a physician/doctor.




Bp 648, Bujumbura – Burundi
Tel: +257 22 27 45 90
Email: humurebu@gmail.com

Our objectives are to:

  1. Fight all forms of discrimination based upon sexual orientation.
  2. Fight AIDS within the LGBTI community.
  3. Contribute to improving the life of people who are discriminated against based on their sexual orientation.