Bulgaria Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Bulgaria.

For Bulgaria country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

w2eu.info – Welcome to Europe

Email: contact@w2eu.info or w2eu_info@yahoo.com

This hyperlink –w2eu.info – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. w2eu.info might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.


(Member of ELENA)
7-9, Zvanika Street
Sofia 1680
Tel: +359 (2) 958 46 36
Fax: +359 (2) 958 46 36
E-Mail: acet@omega.bg
Contact person: Mimoza Dimitrova
Visiting hours: Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 9.00 to 17.30.
Thursday and Friday from 9.00 to 14.00.
Provides psychological treatment of torture victims.

Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants

(Member of ELENA)

6, Bacho Kiro Street
Sofia 1000
Tel: (88) 830 41 80
Fax: (2) 989 97 22
Contact person: Vera Zaharieva

The Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants AIRM is a non-profit, non-political organization for the promotion of social and cultural integration of refugees and migrants in Bulgaria. AIRM is a member of the umbrella NGO Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants BCRM. The organisation provides the training and advocacy on asylum policy and integration.

Balgarski advokati za pravata na coveka – Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights Foundation (BLHR)

www.blhr.org / In English
Gurko Street 49А floor 3, Sofia 1000
Tel: +359 2 980 39 67 or +359 885 787 209
Tel/Fax: +359 986 66 23
Contact person: Dilyana Giteva
Email: hrlawyer@blhr.org

Provides legal assistance and strategic litigation related to specific, repeated violations of human rights as Bulgarian and international courts and revealing inconsistency of the Bulgarian legislation and case law with international standards.

Bulgarian Red Cross, Refugee and Migrant Services

www.redcross.bg / In English
Contact information for different offices can be found on their website / In English
E-mail: secretariat@redcross.bg

The Bulgarian Red Cross provides advice to receive protection and those seeking asylum on their rights and responsibilities, social orientation, placement, orientation in institutions, medical examinations and grugi. Every weekday, from 13.30 to 16.30.

The Bulgarian Red Cross also assists refugees by providing financial assistance, support for education of children (e.g. funds for lunch and school supplies), university fees, medical and psychiatric care.

Bulgarian Helsinki Committee

www.bghelsinki.org / In English
Refugees and Migrants Legal Protection Programme, 1 Uzundjovska Street, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel/Fax: +35 92 98 80 057, +35 92 98 13 318
Email: refunit@bghelsinki.org

The programme offers legal consultations, representation and attorney defense to approximately 5,000 people annually; takes part in the development of the refugee and immigration policy of Bulgaria; and assists the integration of refugees in Bulgaria, as well as for their dignified return to their countries of origin.

The programme offers free specialised legal consultations. The programme staff are engaged in: representation in refugee status determination proceedings, professional and independent legal defence, defence before the courts and other state institutions, assistance for successful integration, assistance for voluntary repatriation.

Bulgarian Refugee Council

(Member of ELENA)

19, Denkoglu Street
Sofia 1000
Tel: (2) 981 97 67
Fax: (2) 981 97 67
E-Mail: bgrc@bulrefcouncil.org
Contact person: Kina Sabeva

The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (BCRM) was founded in 2005 by the Bulgarian Red Crossthe Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and Caritas-Bulgaria as a platform of their activities related to the refugee and migration policy, protection and integration of refugees and migrants.  In 2007, the Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants joined the BCRM. The BCRM, as an association of organisations of longstanding experience and professional competency has the capacity to influence and support the social transformation towards efficient protection and integration of refugees and migrants.


(Member of ELENA)
9, Oborishte Street
Sofia 1000
Tel.: (2) 944 18 73
Fax: (2) 946 11 33
Contact person: Emanouil Patashev
***Social assistance to asylum seekers

Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria

5 Б Triaditsa Str., floor 2, office 226, Sofia
Tel/Fax: +35 92 98 10 779
Mobile: +35 98 94 76 01 80
Email: daskalova.diana@gmail.com
Reception hours: Every Thursday, 10:00-12:00

Contact information: Dilyana Koleva Giteva dilyana_giteva@yahoo.com

“Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria” (CLA) is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in the public interest and focused on promoting the rights of migrants and refugees on the territory of Bulgaria, as well as other vulnerable groups of people, through legal aid and policy advocacy. Committed to the belief that all people deserve justice, effective representation, and the realisation of their rights, the aim of CLA is to be a voice in society for all who have no voice, promoting justice and truth, with mercy and compassion.

The CLA advocates for the rights of migrants, promotes progressive legislative reform, and raises public awareness about issues of immigration and integration in Bulgaria.  Our vision is to achieve the legal and social recognition and protection of the fundamental human rights of some of the most vulnerable people in Bulgaria.

Dr. Mohamed Nemer Agency for Refugee Assistance in Bulgaria

21 Tsar Ivan Shishman Street,
Stara Zagora,
Tel: 00359876292942
Email: dr.nemer@abv.bg

This NGO describes itself as ‘a small but effective agency that usually focuses on Syrian refugees in Bulgaria’. Its main function is to give proper legal advice to refugees who find themselves in Bulgaria, and was launched in response to the plight of refugees in general. They are able to communicate in the Arabic language.