Brazil Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Brazil.

For Brazil country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Arquidiocese de Manaus de Pastoral do Migrante

Rua Coronel Sérgio Pessoa, s/nº (anexo à Igreja dos Remédios), Cx. Postal 3178 69001-970 Manaus/AM
Tel: (55) (92) 32 32 72 57 or 81 35 91 12 or 81 35 98 08 or 91 49 28 14
Fax: (55) (92) 32 32 72 57
Email: /
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 14:00-18:00

The Arquidiocese de Manaus de Pastoral do Migrante provides assistance to refugees and migrants in the Manaus area, including legal representation.

Caritas Arquidiocese de São Paulo (UNHCR implementing partner)

Rua São Francisco Xavier, 483, Maracanã
Tel: (55) (21) 25 67 41 05
Email:, Heloisa Santos, Fabricio Toledo (lawyer)

Caritas Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro provides assistance and legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers in Rio de Janeiro.

Rua Venceslau Brás, 78 – 2º andar Centro, São Paulo – SP
Tel: (55) (11) 32 41 32 39 or 31 15 26 74 or 31 05 40 23

Caritas Arquidiocese de São Paulo provides assistance and legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers in São Paulo.

Centro de Apoio ao Migrante – CAMI/SPM

International Coordinator Espacio Sin Fronteras – ESF
Tel: 55-11-2694-5428
Mobile: 55-11-8063-2468
Coordinator: Paulo Illes
Email: or

CAMI/SPM has a multidisciplinay group of voluntary professionals as well as hired staff to offer to the migrants’ and refugees’ orientation to regularise his/her migratory status, access to rights, information and legal and psychosocial support. There are traineees from IT, Journalism, Social Work, Psychology and law fields. It is opened from Monday to Thursday, from 9:30 to 16:30 to everyone. During the weekends, there are formation courses and capacity building. Students and researchers are welcome to visit on Mondays.

Centro de Atendimento ao Migrante – CAM
Rua José Bresolin, 333, Desvio Rizzo – 95110-640, Caxias do Sul – RS, Brazil
Tel: 55 54 32 27 14 59

CAM belongs to the AESC – Associação Educadora São Carlos. It was created in 1980 to promote and defend the human’s life and dignity, mainly those in mobility or vulnerable situation, through qualified services of social assistance. The majority of the served people are migrants families and refugees from the state border, Northeast and South of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Colombian refugees. CAM offers poverty reduce programmes and courses, by capacity building and social insertion and assistance to families, through orientation groups and socio-familiar support, as well as articulates the social network and family inclusion of migrants and refugees. CAM provides a variety of services to migrants and refugees, including support, orientation, accompanying, integration in order to face situations of vulnerability and social risk and address the needs and social rights of them. They have partnerships with Associação Antonio Vieira, UNHCR and Instituto Migraҫões e Direitos Humanos (IMDH).

Centro de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania do Imigrante – CDHIC (SP)
Tel: (55) (11) 23 84 22 74 or 7186 7369
Mobile: (55) (11) 71 86 73 69
Coordinator: Paulo Illes

CDHIC has a multidisciplinay group of voluntary professionals as well as hired staff to offer to the migrants’ and refugees’ orientation to regularise his/her migratory status, access to rights, information and legal and psychosocial support. There are traineees from IT, Journalism, Social Work, Psychology and law fields.

Centro de Direitos Humanos e Memória Popular (RN)
Rua Vigário Bartolomeu, 635, Salas 606 e 607, Natal-RN, 59.025-904, Brazil
Tel. 55 84 32 21 59 32

CEPRI (Center for the Protection of Refugees and Immigrants)

Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
Rua São Clemente, nº 134 – Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro -RJ   22260-000
Tel: (55) (21) 3289-8614

We are a Protection Center dedicated to the care of refugees, refugees and immigrants. Our work encompasses the provision of free legal assistance for asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in matters relating to the Right of Refuge and the new Brazilian Migration Law. We act in the provision of legal advice to partner institutions in matters of Migration Law and Right of Refugees, in addition to the development of research and events to disseminate these issues. CEPRI-Casa Rui is also specialized in handling cases involving gender violence, persecution based on sexual orientation and / or gender identity, and unaccompanied or separated minors.

Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos (IMDH) | in English
Block 7, Lot C, Lot 1, Villa Varjão / Lago Norte, 71540-400 – Brasília – DF
Tel: (55) (61) 33 40 26 89
Fax: (55) (61) 34 47 80 43
Opening hours: 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00

IMDH aims to contribute to helping raise awareness in Brazilian society of refugees and migrants, and acting in defense of their human rights. It also provides details of a network of organisations (in English) working to assist refugees and migrants throught Brazil.

Missao Paz
Rua do Glicério, 225 – Liberdade São Paulo, SP – Cep 01514-000
Tel: 55 11 32 09 53 88

Missao Paz hosts a hundred of migrants and refugees per day at its headquarters and there is a branch where it serves 700 people per month. In the headquarters, opened 24h 7 days a week, they offer: possibility to stay in the house, linen, a place to wash clothes and to iron, wardrobe, TV and meeting rooms, as well as reading and music rooms, legal aid, parties and services delivery. All facilities for refugees are served by Caritas (shelter, counselling, therapy, religious support, social support).

Núcleo de Apoio aos Refugiados do Espírito Santo – NUARES (ES)

NUARES aims at strengthening the states’ action in elaborating policies targeted to reducing social inequalities and, mainly, promoting full citizenship. They are partners of an international agreement with UNHCR.

The Refugee’s Reintegration Institute (ADUS)
Facebook | Twitter
Avenida São João, 313 – 11º andar – Centro, São Paulo – SP, Brasil, CEP 01035-000
Tel: +55 11 3225 0439
Contact Person: Marcelo Haydu (Executive Director)
Tel.: +55 (11) 8805-9626

The Refugee’s Reintegration Institute (ADUS) is a NGO with the aim of promoting the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Brazil, to aid with their importance and their social, economic, cultural, labour and educational integration.

Servico Pastoral do Migrante
Rua Antonio Albino, 1.000, Centro/Guariba, São Paulo/Brasil, Brasil – 14840-000
Tel/Fax: 55-16-3251-2085
Rua Caiambé, 126 – Ipiranga – Sao Paulo – SP – Brazil – 04264-000
Tel/Fax: 55 11 20 63 70 64
Executive Secretary: Pe. Garcia Peres, c.s.