Timor-Leste – COI

Dr Kelly Cristiane da Silva

Email: kellysa@uol.com.br

Dr Kelly Cristiane da Silva has been teaching anthropology at the University of Brasilia (UnB) since 2005. She finished her PhD in Social Anthropology in 2004 at the UnB, where she presented her thesis ‘Paradoxos da Autodeterminação: A construção do Estado Nacional e práticas da ONU em Timor-Leste’ (Paradoxes of Self Determination: State Formation and UN practices in East Timor). Since 2002 she has carried out research related to urban East Timor focusing on elites, politics and culture.

Dr Sara Niner

Email: sara.niner@monash.edu

Dr Sara Niner is a Research Fellow and teaching associate with the School of Social and Political Inquiry at Monash University. She spent many years working with East Timorese refugees in Australia followed by many years working and researching in Timor-Leste and is widely published in this field. Her current research focus is gender roles in the post-conflict environment of Timor-Leste. Please visit http://saraniner.blogspot.com for more information.

Dr Vannessa Hearman 

Email: vannessa.hearman@curtin.edu.au

Vannessa Hearman is senior lecturer in History at Curtin University, Western Australia. She is a historian of modern Indonesia and SE Asia. Her research interests are activism, social movements, and human rights issues related to Indonesia and Timor-Leste.