Latvia – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Latvia.

Bill Bowring


Prof Bowring has experience in Latvia dating back to 1989 when he first travelled to the country. In May 1994, Prof Bowring travelled to Latvia, with the mandate of the FIDH and Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) of England and Wales to prepare a report that was published by the BHRC in August 1994. He has worked extensively on bringing cases at the European Court of Human Rights. Prof Bowring has additionally lectured on multiple occasions at the Latvian Committee for Human Rights. Please see the following link for a full breakdown of Prof Bowring’s work in Latvia. Bill Bowring Experience in Latvia.docx

Prof Richard Mole


Prof. Richard Mole is Professor of Political Sociology at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL. He has an MPhil from Cambridge University and a PhD from the London School of Economics, both in International Relations. He spent extended periods of time studying and working in the USSR and subsequently in Russia and the Baltic States and speaks fluent Russian. His research focuses on homosexuality and homophobia in Russia and the former USSR (especially political homophobia) and migration by LGBT individuals from Russia, the former USSR and Poland to the Germany and the UK. He has provided expert reports on asylum cases made on the basis of ethnicity and sexual orientation.