Ireland – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Ireland.

We have no specialist for Ireland, but would welcome suggestions. Please contact us.

For more information about Ireland, please see the Asylum Information Database.

Reports and resources

Introducing Timelines into the Irish International Protection System: A Path Towards Accountability and Transparency (8 July 2021). This is a published submission by researchers from the Irish Centre for Human Rights (ICHR), in collaboration with the Movement of Asylum Seekers Ireland (MASI), to the Minister for Justice. The submission draws attention to the amount of time that an international protection applicant waits for a final decision, in a state of uncertainty and limbo.  It highlights the detrimental effects of such uncertain and prolonged waiting on a person’s wellbeing and concludes that the current situation is not compatible with Ireland’s obligations under international human rights law, European Union law, or domestic law.  The submission makes a number of recommendations and advocates for, inter alia, the insertion of statutory time limits for decision making into the International Protection Act.