Hungary – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Hungary.

For more information about Hungary, please see the Asylum Information Database.

Dr Dániel Horváth


Dr Horváth graduated with a law degree at University of Pécs, Hungary in 2004 and completed his postgraduate studies in advanced European law at University of Pécs three years thereafter. He took his bar exam in 2012. He recently finished his work for the central migration authority (OIN) in Hungary where he had filled different middle and high ranking roles since 2008 and gained notable expertise in international migration management, project cycle management, and networking. From 2011 on, he got involved in several strategy and analysis making activities covering asylum, irregular migration, and regular migration. He has not only provided consultancy for the EASO (European Asylum Support Office), IOM (International Organisation for Migration), and UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in practical or policy related matters of the Hungarian migration management system regularly, but has also acted as focal point to numerous migration experts covering Hungary or the CEE region. His former research covered comparative analysis of the anti-discrimination policies of the EU Member States, pragmatic evaluation of the Dublin regime, and operational evaluation of the cross-border liaison activities in the area of migration. 

Dr Tamás Molnár


Dr Tamás Molnár graduated at the Eötvös Lorand University of Budapest (ELTE), Faculty of Law in 2003 and the Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut d’Etudes européennes in 2006 (LLM on EU law); then obtained his Ph.D. in public international law in 2013 at ELTE. He is an adjunct professor in the Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies on Public International Law and Migration Law. He has also been doing ad hoc consultancy for UNHCR on statelessness issues since 2010. As of October 2015, he is a module convenor and associate tutor of the e-learning MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies in the University of London (topic: Statelessness, nationality and the protection of stateless persons). He has published widely in the fields of international law, EU law and statelessness law. For his publications, see: He is an associate member of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS). He is also member of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), the International Law Association (ILA) – Hungarian Branch, the Fédération internationale de droit européen (FIDE), the European Law Institute (ELI) and the Société française pour le droit international (SFDI). He has been working as chief international law advisor in the Deputy State Secretariat of Hungarian Minorities and Diaspora, Prime Minister’s Office since January 2015. He was charged with the drafting of the new Hungarian legislation on migration and asylum, including the national statelessness determination procedure back in 2006-2007 as well as various international agreements on migration and asylum. He has also initiated Hungary’s accession to different conventions on statelessness. He was member of the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) of the Council of Europe (2008-2011) and CDMG Bureau member (2010-2011). 

Dr Judit Tóth


Judith Tóth (PhD, Dr jur.)  is an associate professor of constitutional law and chair of the Department of Constitutional Law in Hungary (Faculty of Law, University of Szeged). She has taught courses on codification, citizenship law, minority rights, and free movement of workers. She has worked in the non-profit sector in a Legal Clinic since 1997. She was a senior research fellow in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Political Sciences; Minority Research) where she coordinated international research projects on security, asylum law,Roma, Chinese, diaspora, EU accession and human rights. These projects were financed by the UNHCR, IOM, EU, ILO or CoE from 1991 to 2015. Tóth was involved in legislative preparatory work as an adviser from 1986 to 2012 (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reform, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Justice,Ombudsman Office). She represented Hungary in the expert committee for refugees and stateless persons (CAHAR) in the Council of Europe from 1990 to 1996, is the founder of the Hungarian Association for Migrants (1993), and a curator for the International Fund for Comparative Research (1995). She has published hundreds of articles and books on various aspects of international migration law and policy. As a legal adviser, she was the national rapporteur for ILO, IOM, EU (network of free movement of workers, 2004-2013), trade unions, the Austrian and the Canadian refugee courts, and for policy briefing writers for the European Parliament and the Committee of Regions.

Dr András L. Pap


Dr Pap, JD, M.Phil., Ph.D., Habil., is head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Associate Professor at Eötvös University (ELTE) Faculty of Humanities. He has served as Research Librarian at the Hungarian Parliament, and conducted research for the EU, Council of Europe, Open Society Justice Initiative, International Centre for Democratic Transition, and the Hungarian National Scientific Research Grant. He has been rapporteur for the European Parliament, regional correspondent for the East European Constitutional Review, and served as expert witness at the City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court. He is a member of the Minority Research Network, the Network on Rights Equality & Diversity, the International Law Association, Association for the Study of Nationalities, and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. He is willing to receive requests for declarations on human rights issues in Hungary.

Dr Péter Berta


Dr Berta, PhD, is Visiting Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Global Prosperity (University College London) and Marie Curie Research Fellow at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (Politics & Sociology; University College London). He is an anthropologist concentrating on Central and Eastern Europe, especially Hungary and Romania. He specialises in economic, social and legal anthropology, gender studies, material culture studies, consumption studies and Romani studies. His current research project – entitled The Politics of Arranged Marriage: Contextualising Power, Law and Culture – at UCL Institute for Global Prosperity deals with the economic, social and political ideologies, embeddedness and consequences of arranged marriage (often of children), primarily among European Roma. You can visit his website at