Haiti – COI

Brian Concannon Jr.

Email: beconcannon@gmail.com
Website: www.haitiexperts.com

Brian Concannon Jr. is Executive Director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy (IJDH) in Haiti.  Mr. Concannon founded IJDH, and has 27 years’ experience working on Haiti human rights issues. He has served as an expert on country conditions in Haiti in over thirty cases in US and Canadian courts and testified on behalf of people seeking protection from deportation under the Convention Against Torture. He has provided training for US asylum officers, international judges, lawyers and law students, and briefings to government officials in the US, the UK and Canada.. Mr. Concannon lived in Haiti from 1995-2004, where he worked as a human rights officer for the United Nations, an election observer for the Organization of American States and a lawyer for the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux. He is currently based in Boston, USA, but is in regular contact with lawyers, journalists and human rights activists in Haiti. He speaks English, Haitian Creole and French.

Dr Andreas Feldmann

Email: afeldmann@uc.cl

Andreas E. Feldmann is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Catholic University in Santiago de Chile. His research specializes in International Relations with a focus on political violence and terrorism; population uprooting and human rights, and international cooperation. His most recent work has appeared in Latin American Politics and SocietyTerrorism and Political Violence, Beyond LawRevista de Ciencia PolíticaJournal of Peacebuilding and Development, and Migración y Desarrollo. Dr Feldmann has worked as a consultant for International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and served as assistant to the Special Rapporteur on Migrant Workers and Members of their Families of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (2000-6). He earned a PhD in Political Science at the University of Notre Dame (2002) and worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow Researcher/Instructor in the Human Rights Program at the University of Chicago (2003-5).

Dr Chelsey Kivland

Email: chelsey.l.kivland@dartmouth.edu

Chelsey Kivland, Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology Department, Columbia, is a cultural anthropologist of the Caribbean, with a focus on street politics, gang violence, and social performance in urban Haiti. Her publications appear in Cultural Anthropology, Political and Legal Anthropology Review, and Journal of Haitian Studies, and in several edited volumes. As a Country of Origin Information expert, Dr Kivland has written country condition declarations on behalf of people seeking protection from deportation and pursuing asylum under the Convention Against Torture. Dr Kivland lived in Haiti from 2008-2010 in the Port-au-Prince neighbourhood of Bel-Air and she visits Haiti frequently and is in daily contact with citizens, policy workers, journalists, and human rights activists in Haiti. She speaks English and Haitian Creole fluently and is competent in French.

Dr Laura Wagner

Email: laura.r.wagner@gmail.com

Laura Wagner, an archivist for the Radio Haiti Inter archive, Duke University, is an anthropologist and writer who lived in Haiti from 2009 to 2012. She completed her PhD in anthropology at UNC-Chapel Hill.  Her research focuses on humanitarian intervention and displacement in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake.  She also conducted qualitative research for the UC Berkeley Human Rights Center’s report on safe shelters for victims of sexual and gender-based violence in post-displacement Haiti.  Prior to graduate school, she worked with people living with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Miami. She speaks Haitian Creole and Spanish fluently and is proficient in French.

Haiti Asylum Information Project


The Haiti Asylum Information Project (HAIP) is built and maintained by the IJDH with the generous support of the Firedoll Foundation. This is intended as a resource for asylum applicants and their lawyers. It is not intended as a substitute for legal advice, and all asylum applicants are advised to seek legal assistance with their applications.

Contents include Country Condition Information, Haiti Asylum Case Law, special sections on women, political violence and other specific areas; and links to other resources.