Dr Francis Peddie


Dr Peddie is a historian from Toronto, Canada, specialized in contemporary Latin American history and Canadian immigration history. His research focuses on Chilean refugees, political exiles and economic migrants in Canada from the 1970s to the present day and the effect their arrival had on Canadian immigration and refugee policy. Dr Peddie has an extensive research background in issues pertaining to human migration and refugee issues in Chile.

Dr Patricio Navia


Patricio Navia, Professor, Political Science, Universidad Diego Portales, has published on democratization, electoral rules and democratic institutions in Chile and more broadly in Latin America. As founding director of Observatorio Electoral at Universidad Diego Portales in Chile, he has co-edited Democracia Municipal (2012), El sismo electoral de 2009. Cambio y continuidad en las preferencias políticas de los chilenos (2010) and El genoma electoral chileno. Dibujando el mapa genético de las preferencias políticas en Chile (2009). His books Diccionario de la política chilena (with Alfredo Joignant and Francisco Javier Díaz), El díscolo, Conversaciones con Marco Enríquez-Ominami (2009), Que gane el más mejor: Mérito y Competencia en el Chile de hoy (with Eduardo Engel, 2006) and Las grandes alamedas: El Chile post Pinochet (2004) have been best sellers in Chile.

Dr Helia López Zarzosa


Helia López Zarzosa, sociologist and a former refugee from Chile. Most of her life as practitioner and scholar is embedded in the ‘refugee cycle’. Her lived experiences as asylum seeker, refugee, returnee and failed returnee are against the background of the political and social transformation processes in Chile. These experiences have informed and shaped her practitioner and scholarly life. As founding headmistress of a Saturday School for Chilean refugee families in London in the 1980s, she gained enough insights for her M.A. dissertation ‘The Politics of Complementary Education: The experience of a Chilean Saturday School in London’ (1991). Her work with the children of returnee families in Concepción, Chile informed her research ‘La Problemática de la Adaptación Escolar en los Hijos/as de las Familias Retornadas en la VIII Región’ (FASIC 1995). After her failed return she voiced that experience in ‘Internal Exile, Exile and Return: A Gendered View (JRS, 1998). Lopez doctoral research  Chilean Voluntary Repatriation, 1978-2002: How Voluntary, How Gendered and How Classed? (2011)presented empirical findings that highlighted the explanations for her own failed return. That research opened the avenues for her current research project on refugees in Chile provisionally entitled ‘Protected and Resettled? Asylum Seekers and Refugees in post-conflict Chile in an era of the ‘global refugee’.

Dr Peter Siavelis


Peter Siavelis is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at Wake Forest University.  He is an expert in electoral, legislative and presidential politics in Chile. His publications include books entitled The President and Congress in Post-authoritarian Chile, Pathways to Power: Political Recruitment and Candidate Selection in Latin America (edited with Scott Morgenstern), and Democratic Chile (also published in Spanish as El Balance), with Kirsten Sehnbruch.  Siavelis has also published numerous book chapters and refereed journal articles, writing on topics including candidate selection, election systems, democratic development, immigration, and Latin American politics.

Raymond B. Craib


Dr. Raymond Craib specializes in Latin American history and within that broad field Mexico and Chile. He has an an MA for the University of Mexico and a Ph.d. from Yale. He has spent a number of years in Mexico, beginning in the early 1990s and through to 2003 and continues to follow political events closely there.  He also worked in Chile since 2006 and travels there regularly.  His work in Mexico addresses issues in the 19th and 20th centuries related to cartography, property, and agrarian social relations. In Chile, he has focused on radicalism among university students and workers in the early twentieth century.  He considers himself to have a robust knowledge related to immigration issues.