Cameroon – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Cameroon.

Dr Jill Alpes


Dr. Alpes is a researcher at the Law Faculty of the Free University Amsterdam, and a visiting fellow at the CERI at Sciences Po Paris. Dr. Alpes has conducted extended and repeated fieldwork periods in Cameroon since 2007. Her research addresses issues in human trafficking, human smuggling, migration aspiration, witchcraft, information risk campaigns, family migration, migrant care workers and deportation.

Justice Mukete Tahle Itoe

President, High Court, Ndian
P.O. Bo 607 Limbe
South West Region
Republic of Cameroon
Tel: +237 77 53 66 82
Fax: +237 3333 3175

Justice Itoe will review and authenticate documents pro bono for lawyers requiring this service on behalf of persons seeking asylum outside this country.

Dr Benjamin N. Lawrance

Professor of History at the University of Arizona


Benjamin N. Lawrance is the former Conable Chair in International Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology and is currently a professor of history at the University of Arizona.He has conducted field research in West Africa since 1997 and published extensively about political and social conditions. He has served as an expert witness in the asylum cases for over 130 West Africans in the US, Europe and Canada which have involved human trafficking, citizenship, statelessness, female genital cutting, gender issues, gender identity, ethnic and religious violence, and witchcraft accusations.

Dr Charlotte Walker-Said


Dr Charlotte Walker-Said is a a historian of modern Africa and Assistant Professor of Africana Studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY). She has taught history, African studies, and human rights at Harvard University, the University of Chicago, and Webster University. She has traveled and worked in Douala and Yaoundé Cameroon for ten years. Her most recent trip to Cameroon was in May 2014. She has conducted fieldwork and engaged with human rights organizations in Cameroon in the Centre and Littoral regions and is familiar with human rights conditions throughout the country. For the purposes of being allowed to continue to write COI expert reports within her institution, Dr. Walker asks those law firms or NGOs from whom she accepts cases, when a case has been concluded, write her a formal letter of acknowledgement.

Ray Wung


Ray Wung is a Cameroonian, also a lawyer with specialized knowledge in international human rights and refugee law. He had diverse exposure to refugee issues in Egypt and has contributed to preparing cases for Cameroonians seeking asylum in the US. With broad knowledge of, and exposure to the legal and socio-political landscape in Cameroon, Ray has also spoken and/or written pieces on women’s rights; electoral laws; and the role and challenges of civil society in promoting human rights in Cameroon. He lived in the Cameroon until January 2007 and keeps regular contact with the situation there.

Ngambouk Vitalis Pemunta (FGM/C)


Dr Pemunta taught social anthropology and currently works as a research fellow at Linnaeus University, in Sweden. On the issue of FGM/C in Cameroon he published two books, Culture, Human rights and Socio-legal resistance against Female Genital Cutting practices: An anthropological Perspective (2011) and Health and Cultural Values: Female Circumcision within the Context of AIDS in Cameroon (2010). Dr Pemunta worked as Refugee Reproductive Health Programme Officer in Budapest and discussed FGM/C practices in several conferences. Since 2005, he has been advising NGOs and asylum lawyers in Cameroon, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada, Australia, South Korea and Austria on gender-based violence, including FGM/C.