Burundi – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Burundi.

Jean-Benoît Falisse

Email: jean-benoit.falisse@qeh.ox.ac.uk

Jean-Benoît Falisse is a D.Phil Candidate, University of Oxford. His research focuses on community governance of basic social services in Burundi and Eastern DR Congo. Prior to resuming his studies, he worked in Burundi as a researcher and a technical adviser on community participation in health care with the Dutch NGO, CORDAID (2009) and as a coordinator on early recovery and reintegration issues for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Burundian Ministry of Solidarity (2010-2011). In Burundi, he also did consultancy work on land disputes for the European Union and taught at the Université Lumière de Bujumbura (2010). Jean-Benoît speaks Dutch and German;French is his mother tongue. He has some fluency in Kirundi and Swahili.

Tony Tate

Email: ttate@globalhumanrights.org

Tony Tate has been a Programme Officer for Sub-Saharan Africa at Fund for Global Human Rights since October 2010. In 1999 he established a Human Rights Watch office in Burundi. Between 1999 and 2002, while he was a Burundi Researcher for Human Rights Watch, Mr. Tate monitored country conditions and wrote country reports along with his research. He also conducted investigations into current and past human rights abuses in Burundi, including those resulting from the on-going civil war with emphasis on women, children, and displaced populations. He speaks French, some Kiswahili and rudimentary Kirundi.

Dr Elizabeth McClintock 

Email: lmcclintock@cmpartners.com

Elizabeth McClintock is a Managing Partner, CMPartners. Dr. McClintock’s work in Burundi has included acting as a consultant to the Burundi dialogue process; serving as the lead program designer and facilitator of a capacity building program for Burundi’s National Commission on Demobilization and Reintegration; and acting as country team leader and substantive expert for an evaluation of USAID’s reconciliation approach in Burundi. Dr. McClintock has also acted as a consultant to the Burundian government and co-facilitated a two-year USAID-funded program to develop a conflict resolution curriculum for Burundian high schools, in partnership with WWICS, the Burundian Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education and the Burundi Leadership Training Program (BLTP). She is a founding member of the BLTP, for whom she served as the lead facilitator and program designer for over eight years. Dr. McClintock received her PhD from the Fletcher School, Tufts University, where her dissertation topic focused on the evolution of civil-military relations in Burundi. Dr. McClintock speaks French and is willing to review and comment on COI reports.

Dr Simon Turner 

Email: jsz358@hum.ku.dk

Dr Simon Turner is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen. His recent research focuses on state-diaspora relations in Rwanda, refugee camps, hope among clandestine Burundian refugees in Nairobi, masculinities, and on anticipating violence and flight strategies in relation to the ongoing conflict in Burundi. He holds a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in International Development and Geography and a Ph.D in International Development Studies from from Roskilde University.