Nicaragua Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Nicaragua.

For Nicaragua country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Information on where to apply for refugee status in Nicaragua

UNHCR does not have an office in Nicaragua. Please contact the Regional Office in Panama on + 507 317 1723. In Nicaragua, the government is responsible for the RSD procedure, which is handled by the Comisión Nacional para Refugiados. Asylum claims can me made before the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería. Please see thier details below.

Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería
De los semáforos de la Tenderi 2 1/2 cuadras al norte, Managua
Tel. (+505) 249 6670 / 244 0741 / 244 3989 / 244 2111

Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH)
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Tel: 22 22 563 or 26 68 940 or 26 82 116 or 26 66 265

CENIDH was created in May 1990 as a civil Society initiative, with concerns over the promotion of Human Rights in Nicaragua. As a member of the National Comission of Refugee Aid (CONAR), created in 2008 through the Refugee Protecion Act. They investigate complaints, carry out human rights workshops to promote and defend human rights working with a network of volunteer human right promoters in various municipalities. They produce a yearly report on human right conditions in Nicaragua. In those cases that a person is claiming refugee status, they accompany them and follow up their case in coordination with UNHCR. They also support members of the LGBTI community.

El CENIDH nació en el mes de mayo de 1990 por iniciativa de un grupo de personas representativas de la sociedad civil, preocupadas por la defensa y promoción de los Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua. Como miembro de la Comisiòn Nacional de Ayuda al Refugiado(CONAR) , creada en el 2008 a través de la Ley de Protección a los Refugiados. Investigamos denuncias, impartimos talleres de derechos humanos y mucho más para promover y defender los derechos humanos en el paìs, contando con una Red de Promotores voluntarios de derechos humanos en varios municipios Elaboramos cada año un informe sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Nicaragua. E n aquellos casos que una persona solicite refugio se les acompaña ante las instancias correspondientes para que haga su tramite dandole seguimiento a su caso en coordinaciòn con ACNUR . También otorgamos apoyo a miembros de la comunidad LGBTI.

The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD)
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Apartado 3091, Managua, Nicaragua
Tel: 01 15 05 26 65 216 (Central Office, Spanish speaking)
Tel: 01 15 05 27 05 018 (Nehemiah office, English + Spanish speaking)
Monseñor, del Puente León 1 1/2c. al este.

CEPAD works with refugee and facilitates strengthening the capacity and self-advocacy of thirty-three organised communities, 206 Peace Commissions, and 120 pastoral groups throughout Nicaragua, using social promotion and community organization. It works less-intensively with forty-five additional communities.

CEPAD believes that it is important for community members to resolve their own problems and to decide for themselves what they need. If a community requires assistance, however, CEPAD enters that community once invited by the local leadership. CEPAD then establishes and trains a Community Development Committee (CDC) made up of community members. Once trained, CDC members work to help their community move forward by exploring other organisations and resources, including state authorities and municipal governments. Equal participation of men and women is encouraged. CEPAD’s training process helps female and male community leaders learn to share decision-making processes and also helps them to have equal access to use and control of the benefits from development initiatives.

CEPAD’s programs include environmental management and development, comprehensive family development, political advocacy education, theological education by extension, educating for life, Nehemiah (delegations, partnerships and services for conferences), and Radio CEPAD.