Belgium Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Belgium.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.

CNCD – 11.11.11

Website link
Contact person: Cecile Vanderstappen

CNCD-11.11.11 challenges national and international political bodies on their responsibilities in terms of development cooperation and international solidarity.

Belgian Refugee Council (CBAR-BCHV)
rue Defacqzstraat 1, [ b 10 ] – 1000 BRUSSELS
Tel: +32(0)2/537 82 20
Fax: +32(0)2/537 89 82
Mobile: 0476/28 23 65

The Belgian Refugee Council is a non-profit association that provides advice and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, and also to their lawyers and NGO’s acting in the field. Its main working areas are legal aid to asylum application, family reunification of beneficiaries of international protection, and aid to asylum seekers in detention.

CIRE- Coordination et Initiatives pour Réfugiés et Etrangers (Coordination of Initiatives for Refugees and Foreigners)
Rue du Viviers, 80/82, 1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 6297 734 / +32 2 629 77 10
Fax: +32 2 629 77 33
Email for reception of asylum seekers: (other email addresses for specific services available on their website)

CIRE coordinates a network of NGOs providing services to refugees and asylum seekers including over 600 beds, assistance in finding and affording more permanent accommodation, visits to detention centres, French language classes and assistance integrating into Belgian culture, interpretation and aid in voluntary repatriation. Also works on advocacy for refugee and migrant policy.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Belgium
Maurice Liétart 31/9 – B-1150 Bruxelles
Tel: +32-2 738 0818
Fax: +32-2 738 0816
Contact Person: Fr Christophe Renders SJ, Country Director

The core of JRS Belgium’s activities is visiting and offering services to foreigners – asylum seekers and irregular migrants – detained in administrative detention centres. JRS Belgium is the only Belgian organisation visiting all five detention centres on a weekly basis.

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen (Flemish Refugee Action)
Kruidtuinstraat 75, 1210 Brussels
Tel  : 02 225 44 00
Fax : 02 201 03 76
Email :
Legal helpdesk: Telephone on 02-205 00 55, Monday and Friday 9:00-12:30, Wednesday 13:30-17:00 or via e-mail

Flemish Refugee Action offers expert information, training, publications and extensive helpdesks to everyone who, professionally and voluntarily, works with, assists or counsels asylum seekers and refugees. Through our projects we develop innovative working methods for social assistants and governments.


GAMS Belgique asbl (Groupe pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles féminines)

Rue Gabrielle Petit, 6 1080 Molenbeek
Tel.: +32 (0)2 219 43 40

GAMS Belguim organises activities to raise awareness among communities, briefings and training for professionals, as well as advocacy at national and international level for the abolition of FGM/C. GAMS supports  mutilation by guiding them to health and legal aid services. Moreover, it offers individual psychological counselling and group workshops.


Rue Des Palais, 154, 1030 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 539 02 04, +32(0) 497 55 04 56 (Dutch), +32(0) 479 67 19 46 (French)

The non-profit organisation Intact aims at becoming a ‘place of reference’ for legal issues related to FGM/C. It takes legal action to combat the practice of FGM/C and specially with the purpose of supporting individuals and professionals in legal or judicial proceedings (legal, judicial consultations, follow-up of applications for asylum, support for professionals confronted with child victims or children at risk, organisation of training/symposium on FGM).

No Peace Without Justice – Gender and Human Rights Program

Rue du Pépin 54, B‑1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 5483910
No Peace Without Justice works with women’s rights activists across the world to target FGM and other forms of violence committed against women that are primarily being addressed as cultural issues, rather than as human rights violations. In addition to female genital mutilation (FGM), among the other forms of violence against women it is fundamental to mention forced marriage, marital rape, denial of reproductive rights, and other violations against women. For these violations, specific and effective legislative measures are needed to provide legitimacy, protection and essential legal tools both to women’s rights advocates working to turn the tide of social norms, and to victims and potential victims resisting societal expectations to be silent and acquiesce.