Spain Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Spain.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Important Legal information for Refugees Seeking Asylum in Spain

1. Spanish Law recognizes for asylum seekers who have a low income the right to free legal aid for the administrative determination procedure and also for the subsequent judicial review and appeal procedures. Free legal aid for litigation must be requested through the Bar Association Legal Assistance Service (Servicio de Orientación Jurídica del Colegio de Abogados) or through organisations such as CEAR. However, it is important to note that Bar Association’s lawyers might not have specific training in refugee law.

2. Asylum seekers at border points (checkpoints, international seaports and airports) are entitled to legal advice through a private lawyer or a public attorney, provided free of charge by NGOs or the local Bar Association.

3. Voluntary agencies can also provide free legal advice throughout the determination procedure. Due to the difficulties involved in the proceedings, it is strongly recommended to be advised by an Immigration and Asylum Law practitioner.

4. The Asylum Act also establishes that NGOs assisting asylum seekers and refugees can play a consultative role in the determination procedure by submitting written reports on individual cases.


ACCEM – Asociación Comisión Católica Española de Migración
Facebook | Twitter
C/ Valenzuela 10, 1 Izqda, 28014, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 53 27 478 or extend 9
Fax: +34 91 53 22 059

Accem is an NGO that provides support and services to refugees and immigrants in Spain, advocates for equal rights for immigrants, asylum-seekers and refugees. Its website provides information about the asylum process and has a legal forum for questions.

The main office is in Madrid, but there are offices all over Spain.

CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado
Avenida General Perón 32, 2ºD, 28020, Madrid
Tel: +34  91 598 05 35
Tel: +34  91 598 05 92
Fax: +34 91 597 23 61
Contact person: Nuria Díaz

The Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR) is a non-profit organization founded in 1979. Its character is volunteer, humanitarian, independent and plural. CEAR was founded based on strong ethical values, such as justice, solidarity, freedom, equality, plurality, transparency and coherence. Their mission is to defend and promote human rights and the complete development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants who are in need of international protection and/or exposed to social exclusion.

CEAR articulates its work through two essential strategic guidelines:

– Social intervention model (legal department, sheltering department, social department, training and employment department).

– Advocacy/Social impact and participation model (impact, awareness and management of knowledge, social networks and movements, international strategy, intercultural coexistence, volunteer work and social participation)

These strategies are complementary and mutually dependent. They have been designed to defend the right to access asylum and Human Rights; to help eradicating the causes behind coerced movement; to defend inclusive migration policies that respect Human Rights; to promote universal citizenship for all individuals, access to all their rights and the opportunity to enjoy them completely; to encourage critical-thinking and committed citizenship towards the building of a more equal planet where intercultural coexistence is possible.

Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counseling and useful contacts in different European countries.


Cruz Roja Española (Spanish Red Cross)
C/ Reina Victoria, 26 E-28003, Madrid
Tel: +34 913354288
Fax: +34 913354500

Red Acoge (Madrid)
Facebook | Twitter
C/ Cea Bermúdez, 43, 3º B 28003, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 56 33 779
Fax: + 34 91 55 03 114

The Red Acoge is a federation of 17 independent organizations spread around Spain. It was established in 1991 in order to promote the rights of migrants in Spain. The federation helps migrants to integrate into the Spanish society, especially those at risk of exclusion, such as refugees. The organisation helps migrants to integrate into the Spanish society, especially those at risk of exclusion, such as refugees. The organisation works to facilitate and provide migrants and refugees access across Spain to social services, such as health, housing, education, cultural, among others.

The main office is in Madrid, but there are offices all over Spain.


CEAR-Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Alicante)
C/ Colón, 2146400, Cullera, Alicante
Tel: +34 96 172 35 79

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.

Vega Baja Acoge
Plaza de San Francisco, 1. 03300, Orihuela, Alicante
Tel: +34 966 74 57 31

Vega Baja Acoge provides personal advice on legal matters by legal professionals, specialised in different subjects, through individual examination of each situation; likewise the administrative or judicial proceedings are dealt to the needs of each case.  The legal service of the organisation ensures scrupulous respect for fundamental human rights.


ACCEM – Asociación Comisión Católica Española de Migración
C/ Doña María Coronel, 14, 41003, Sevilla
Tel: +34 95 43 13 333 / 44
Fax: +34 95 42 28 194
Contact Person: Manuel Sánchez

ACCEM is an NGO that aims to improve the living conditions of people who are more vulnerable in society. Their focus is on refugees, migrants and any person at risk of social exclusion. ACCEM specialises in work related to asylum-seekers and migrants, particularly their integration into civil society and advocating on behalf of their fundamental rights.

CAR – Centro de Acogida a Refugiados

Plaza de la Acogida, 1, 41020, Sevilla
Tel:+34 95 45 29 685
Fax:+34 95 45 29 197

CAR is an organisationt that provides accommodation, food, urgent psychosocial care, primary education and other social services to facilitate the coexistence and integration in the community of people seeking asylum in Spain. In addition the organization provides assistance to individuals applying for the refugee status who are displaced in Spain and who lack the financial means to meet their needs and those of their family.

CEAR- Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Andalusia)

C/ San Jorge 7, Casa 2 Bajo, 41002, Sevilla
Tel: +34 95 46 19 164 / +34 95 46 26 586
Fax: +34 95 42 36 562
Contact Person (Legal Services): Alejandro Romero
Contact Person (Legal Services): Mercedes Rubio

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.


APIA – Asociación Pro Inmigrantes de Asturias

Calle Adosinda, 8, 7º C. 33202, Gijón
Tel: + 34 98 51 54 412

APIA is an organisation that advocates on behalf of immigrants’ rights and offers services in various areas. Their objectives consist of defending immigrants’ human rights, to raise awareness and promote tolerance within the host countries, and to promote and assist in the social integration of immigrants in Asturias.


CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Euskadi)
C/ Cristo, 9 bis 5º, 48007, Bilbao
Tel: +34 94 42 48 844
Fax: +34 94 42 45 938

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.


Bayt Al-Thaqafa
Carrer de la Princesa, 14, 1º. 08003, Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera-Born, Barcelona
Tel: + 34 93 31 98 869
Carrer Jaén, 18-20, 08260, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 65 63 870
Fax: +34 93 310 75 08

Thaqafa Al-Bayt Foundation is an NGO that aims to facilitate social and cultural integration of immigrants into society without losing their own identity. They also promote the exchange and dialogue between different cultures. The organisation offers reception, information, guidance and advice to newly arrived immigrants on issues that affect the process of integration into society upon arrival. It also offers a legal service to immigrants and refugees. All the services offered by the foundation are free of charge.


Contact person: Maite Daniela Lo Coco
Irídia – Centre per la defensa dels drets humans és una associació que treballa per promoure i defensar els drets humans, en especial civils i polítics.

CEAR – Comissió Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat (Barcelona)
C/ Junta de Comerç 26, 08011, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 30 12 539 / +34 93 45 24 031
Fax: +34 93 31 70 343

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.

SAIER – Servei d’Atenció a Immigrants, Emigrants i Refugiats
Avinguda Parallel 202, Barcelona 08015
Tel: +34 93 25 62 700

SAIER is a municipal service that provides information and advice to asylum seekers living in Barcelona. Barcelona City Council is the joint manager of this free, public, specialized service, together with other associations in the city. One of the main services provided by SAIER is legal advice and document processing in relation to asylum issues. They also offer advice on applications for residence and work permits, family reunification, residence permits for students and applications for naturalisation and studying.

Red Acoge (Barcelona)
C/ Jaen, 18-20. 08620, San Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona
Tel: + 34 93 65 63 870

Red Acoge (Barcelona) helps migrants to integrate into the Spanish society, especially those at risk of exclusion, such as refugees. The organisation is under Red Acoge network which works to facilitate and provides migrants and refugees access to social services, such as health, housing, education, cultural, legal, and various others sectors.


Córdoba Acoge
C/ Músico Ziryab, 10. 14005, Córdoba
Tel: +34 95 72 30 838 or +34 95 72 30 764

Córdoba Acoge provides legal services in addition to social services consisting of assistance in finding housing, counseling, employment and youth programmes. Their mission is to provide comprehensive legal aid and seek to help asylum-seekers and refugees integrate into society. The legal department provides immigrants and refugees with legal advice and services in civil, criminal, commercial and immigration issues.

Lucena Acoge
C/ Hoya del Molino, 28. 14900, Lucena
Tel: +34 95 75 16 608

Córdoba Acoge and Lucena Acoge are sister organisations under the Red Acoge organisations of Spain that work to promote the rights and provide various services to newly arrived immigrants and refugees.The legal department provides immigrants and refugees with legal advice and services in civil, criminal, commercial and immigration issues.


Elche Acoge
Travessia de Sant Joaquim, 2. 03203, Elche, Alicante
Tel: +34 96 54 26 172

Elche Acoge is an NGO committed to improve the living conditions of immigrants and refugees. The organisation’s purpose is to promote the rights of immigrants and refugees and to create bridges between them and society, by promoting understanding , mutual respect and intercultural harmony.


CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Gran Canaria)
C/ Luis Antunez, 32 1º, 35006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Tel: +34 92 82 97 271
Fax: +34 92 82 47 143
Contact person: Kimi Aoki Iglesias

Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado has two branches on the Canary Islands, one in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the other in the town of Vecindario. CEAR is committed to defend and advocate for the rights of asylees. It also fights against the causes of uprooting and forced displacement. The organisation offers various services to all migrants and refugeeslegal and social services; employment and training services; advocacy and social participation; documentation, human rights, asylum and immigration services; and document translation and interpretation services.

CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Vecindario)

Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado

C/ Agáldar, 79, 35110, Vecindario
Tel: +34 92 87 57 828

Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado has two branches on the Canary Islands, one in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the other in the town of Vecindario. CEAR is committed to defend and advocate for the rights of asylees,  advocate against the causes of forced displacement. The organisation offers various services to all migrants and refugeeslegal and social services; employment and training services; advocacy and social participation; documentation, human rights, asylum and immigration services; and document translation and interpretation services.


Cantabria Acoge
C/ del Monte Caloca s/n – Cobo de la Torre, 3 Bajo. 39008, Santander
Tel: +34 94 23 64 445 or +34 94 22 10 916

Founded in 1992, Cantabria Acoge is located in the city of Santander. The organisation is a social and civil NGO whose focus is the reception and social/legal integration of immigrants and refugees who come to this region.


Mancha Acoge
C/ Rincón de Tagore s/n. 13300, Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real
Tel: +34 92 63 13 239

Mancha Acoge is a NGO located in the Spanish province of Ciudad Real in the city of Valdepenas.  The organisation has a program of temporary accommodation for immigrants and refugees. The program aims to meet the basic needs of housing, meals and job training of immigrants and refugees who are in the province of Ciudad Real; they work to provide job placement.

Red Acoge Azuqueca de Henares

El Foro, Calle Ciudad Real, 1. 19200, Azuqueca de Henares, Guadalajara
Tel: +34 94 92 77 310 or +34 94 92 66 358

Both Red Acoge-Azuqueca de Henares and Guada Acoge are sister organisations under the Spanish NGO Red Acoge. These organisations provide various housing, social care/relief and legal services to immigrants and refugees within the province of Guadalajara.  The legal services offered by these organisations are focused on immigration law.

The Guada Acoge Association
Avda. de Venezuela, 9, 1º. 19005, Guadalajara
Tel: + 34 94 92 53 076 or +34 94 92 15 835

The Guada Acoge Association was founded in 1993 by the Diocesan Delegation for Migrations of the Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara they provide social services in addition to legal aid to immigrants. The Guada Acoge Association is a non-profit organization that focuses on training, promotion, integration and defending the rights of people at risk of social exclusion, especially immigrants.


Burgos Acoge
Avda. de Castilla y León, 34, Bajo. 09006, Burgos
Tel: +34 94 72 32 303 or +34 94 72 32 299

Burgos Acoge is a non-profit organization, founded in 1993, located in the city of Burgos.  The organisation educates and raises awareness on a variety of migration-related issues, and speaks out against situations of injustice and discrimination towards migrants and refugees. Its goal is to assist immigrants in order for them to achieve succesful integration by providing various immigrant services.

Procomar Valladolid Acoge
C/ Fray Luis de León, 14. 47002, Valladolid
Tel: +34 98 33 09 915 or +34 98 33 95 732

Procomar Valladolid Acoge works in the reception, assistance and social promotion of immigrants to achieve their full integration into society. It also offers various amounts of pro bono legal services to immigrants and refugees in areas of documentation, residence/work permits and family reunification.

Salamanca Acoge
Avda. de los Cedros, 53, Bajo. 37004, Salamanca
Tel: +34 92 30 19 031 or +34 92 30 13 398

Salamanca Acoge’s main objective is to encourage and to promote the rights and integration of migrants into the host society; to create a positive integration for both groups away from stereotypes and clichés and to transform society toward greater equality, justice and peace. It provides legal services to immigrants and refugees in areas of documentation, residence/work permits and family reunification.


Cáceres Acoge

C/ Ronda Sur, 16 Bajo, Navalmoral de la Mata, Cáceres
Tel: +34 927 534 953 / +34 659 293 365

Caceres Acoge is under the umbrella of Red Acoge organisation. Located in the Caceres Province of Spain, the organisation offers various services that defend and promote the rights of immigrants in Navalmoral de la Mata and throughout the province of Cáceres.


Rioja Acoge
Calle La Brava, 16, Bajo. 26001, Logroño
Tel: +34 94 12 63 115 or +34 94 18 91 009

Rioja Acoge was created in 1991 and aims to ¡promote the process of integration between people and society, promoting the necessary changes, on both sides, for effective democratic intercultural integration’. The organisation offers various immigration legal services to newly arrived immigrants and refugees, and also offers legal services to detained immigrants. It also has other gender-focused services focused on empowering immigrant and refugee women such as job and language training services.


CEAR -Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Getafe)

28905 Getafe, Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 695 69 68

CEAR has two branches within the province of Madrid: one in the city of Madrid and another in the city of Getafe, outside the capital. The mission of CEAR is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.

CEAR- Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Madrid)
C/ Hermanos García Noblejas 41. 8º Izq., 28037, Madrid
Tel. +34 91 55 50 698

CEAR has two branches within the province of Madrid: one in the city of Madrid and another in the city of Getafe, outside the capital. The mission of CEAR is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.

Centro Hispano-Africano/FUNDESO

Manuel Marañón, 13, 28043, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 75 90 162
Fax: +34 91 30 02 739
Contact Person: Maria Dolla
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-20:00.

A cultural and educational reference for both the African population along with other nationalities in Madrid. This center offers a variety of services and activities, from judicial advice to language courses, job search and other integration oriented activities.

COMRADE – Comité de Defensa de los Refugiados, Asilados e Inmigrantes en el Estado Español
C / Castillo de Piñeiro 10 ( Metro: Cuatro Caminos)
Tel: +34 91 44 64 608
Fax: +34 91 44 62 733

It provides support and legal guidance to all those who go to the headquarters of the organisation or do a telephone inquiry from other parts of the state. Legal advice is focused on the following areas: obtaining work permits and residence permits, family reunification, getting the Spanish nationality, administrative appeals against refusals, withdrawal of removal orders, asylum applications, etc. COMRADE also offers social assistance and advice on accessing education, housing, healthcare etc as well as psychological counselling.

C/ Santa Engracia, 1400. 28003, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 55 31 873 or +34 91 22 03 883

Karibu Association is focused on immigrants and refugees arriving from Sub-Saharan Africa and promotes recognition and defends the fundamental rights of immigrants and refugees.  It provides clothing, food, temporary accomodation as well as legal services and job training.

ONG Rescate Internacional
Facebook | Twitter
C/ Luchana, 36-4º dcha, 28010, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 44 72 960 or +34 91 44 72 872
Fax: +34 91 44 72 323
Contact person: Berta Muñoz Aljaro
Contact person: Aurora Gonzalez Conde

Provides legal advice and practical help to asylum seekers.

Red Acoge (Madrid)
Facebook | Twitter
C/ Cea Bermúdez, 43, 3º B 28003, Madrid
Tel: +34 91 56 33 779
Fax: + 34 91 55 03 114

Red Acoge is a federation of 17 independent organizations spread around Spain. It was established in 1991 in order to promote the rights of migrants in Spain. The federation helps migrants to integrate into the Spanish society, especially those at risk of exclusion, such as refugees. It also work to facilitate the access of migrants to social services, such as health, housing, education, among others.


CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Málaga)

Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado

C/ Ollerías, 31, 29012, Málaga
Tel: +34 95 26 01 321
Fax:+34 95 22 26 021

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.


Murcia Acoge

 All of the organisations listed below are run by Red Acoge in different towns within the autonomous community of Murcia.  Their main objective is to encourage and promote the rights and integration of migrants into the host society; to create a positive integration for both groups away from stereotypes and clichés and to transform society toward greater equality, justice and peace. Each organisation provides legal services to refugees in areas of documentation, residence/work permits and family reunification.


Avda. Nueva Cartagena, 68, Bajo. 30310, Cartagena
Tel: +34 96 85 05 301 or +34 96 81 22 625

La Unión

C/ Mar Menor, 11, 1º. 30360, La Unión
Tel: +34 96 85 40 366


C/ Ana Romero, 2, Bajo. 30800, Lorca
Tel: +34 96 84 73 272


C/ Alberto Sevilla, Bloque 1, Esc. 5, Local 1. 30011, Murcia
Tel: +34 96 82 71 652 or +34 96 82 71 586

Torre Pacheco

C/ San Cayetano, 28, F. 30700, Torre Pacheco
Tel: +34 96 85 85 352


C/ Sor Josefa Pérez, s/n. 30850, Totana


CEAR – Comissió Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat (Sabadell)
Av. Barberà, 175, 08203, Sabadell
Tel: +34 93 72 53 051

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.


Valencia Acoge / València Acull
C/ San Juan, 10. 46019, Valencia
Tel: +34 96 36 60 168

Valencia Acoge’s/Valencia Acull’s main objective is to encourage and to promote the rights and integration of migrants into the host society; to create a positive integration for both groups avoiding stereotypes and clichés to ultimately transform society toward greater equality, justice and peace. Each organisation provides legal services to immigrants and refugees in areas of documentation, residence/work permits, family reunification, as well as legal services regarding labor rights.

CEAR – Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Valencia)
C/ Francisco Moreno Usedo, nº 21-Bajo 4
6018, Valencia
Tel: +34 96 316 24 77
Fax: +34 96 344 09 31

CEAR is an organisation that offers extensive legal services to immigrants and refugees, their mission is to defend and promote human rights and to assist with the development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants in need of international protection and those who are at risk of social exclusion.