Malta Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Malta.

For Malta country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

Generally, UNHCR statistics rely on data from host countries. As some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups, statistics on refugees alone may give an insufficient account of refugee numbers. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available. – Welcome to Europe

Email: or

This hyperlink – – leads to an independent source of information for refugees coming to Europe. might be useful on their journey to and through Europe by giving access to counselling and useful contacts in different European countries.

Maltese Legal Clinic

Tel: +356 2340 2801

The Maltese Legal Clinic serves as a channel for subjects in society who lack access to justice by engaging the subjects in learning about their rights and remedies. Moreover, the Clinic serves as an exercise in social consciousness for the students who will eventually be practising lawyers within Maltese society, with the intention of using law as a tool for access to justice. The clinic can therefore be described as a laboratory since its ease of access and free legal services attract different people’s many legal needs. Law students offer legal consultation under the supervision of Dr David Zammit (Board member) and under the coordination of Dr Kurt Xerri.

Malta Refugee Council –  Kunsill Malti għar-Refuġjati

The Malta Refugee Council is a network of Maltese non-governmental organisations working for the promotion of the fundamental human rights of persons in forced migration. The Council aims to advocate for legislation, policies and practices that are in accordance with Malta’s international obligations and best practices in the sector. It also seeks to foster an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of refugees.

Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS)

54, Melita Street, Il-Belt Valletta, VLT 1112, Malta
Tel: +356 21310047

Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) is an international humanitarian organisation founded in 2013 as an innovative and technology-driven search and rescue (SAR) organisation in response to the Mediterranean maritime migration phenomenon. In August 2014, MOAS became the first non-governmental SAR organisation in the Central Mediterranean, providing a model for civil society search and rescue. MOAS is now dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and services to the most vulnerable people around the world. Since its inception, MOAS has reached hundreds of thousands of people through its activities.

Migrant Women Association Malta (MWAM)

5 Holy Trinity Il-Marsa, South Eastern Region, Malta
Tel: +356 7952 8945

The association is committed to empowering migrant women to enable them to integrate within the society of the host country in order to attain their full potential. MWAM supports migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women, who fall into extremely vulnerable groups, offers professional, organizational and even emotional advice for those in need, and promotes the personal empowerment of migrant, refugees and asylum-seeking women by achieving their integral development through the learning of new skills and knowledge that makes them aware and confident of their abilities.

Emigrants’ Commission

Dar l-Emigrant, Castille Place, Valletta VLT 01, Malta
Tel: +35621222644
Fax: +35621240022
Emigrants’ Commission is a non-governmental, non-profitable, voluntary organisation, which is established to help and protect people in need by offering them free services, counselling and protection. Emigrants’ Commission came into being in 1950 due to the huge exodus of Maltese to foreign lands because of overpopulation and unemployment. The aim was to offer help to those who intended to settle abroad. Its services cover all those affected by migration including immigrants, refugees and tourists.

Integra Foundation

124, Ursula Street,
Valletta, Malta

Integra is a non-profit organisation based in Malta, operating independently of any political, economic or religious affiliation at a global level. The Foundation’s vision is that of supporting inclusive, non-discriminating and non-disabling societies, where all individuals have the right to human dignity, freedom, respect and social justice. Their mission is to facilitate space for marginalised individuals and groups to be listened to and to have an active and meaningful say in their lives and well-being on their own terms.

Kopin- Kooperazzjoni Internazzjonali

Suite 2, 195, Naxxar Road, San Gwann SGN 9029, Malta
Tel. +35621372266
Fax: +35621372266

Kopin has been providing social and educational services to asylum-seeking children and women since 2010. These services apply child rights and human rights-based approaches and aim at empowering their beneficiaries, who themselves are considered key agents for social change and advancement. Kopin has been providing voluntary services for women and children, including unaccompanied minors, who are residing at Dar il-Liedna, an Open Centre in Fgura which is managed by the Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers (AWAS). These services range from cultural orientation to English language classes, to afterschool homework support, food handling courses, CV writing training as well as recreational activities.

The People For Change Foundation
Tel: +356 2703 3536

The People for Change Foundation (PfC) is a Malta-based human rights think tank with a Maltese, European and global scope. PfC provides evidence-based, independent, practical and creative ideas on the protection, respect and promotion of human rights in Malta and across the European Union. Additionally, they provide advice to asylum seekers and their legal representatives, particularly those facing returns to Malta under the Dublin II system. They are also in a position to refer asylum seekers to other entities that may be better able to assist in particular cases; and provide an online reporting system for racist incidents in Malta: PfC did not want their address posted on the website but they can be contacted through phone or email.

Aditus Foundation
149, Old Mint Street, Valletta VLT 1513, Malta
Tel: +356 20 10 62 95

Contact person: Neil Falzon

Aditus was founded in 2011 by a group of young lawyers who made it their mission to monitor, report and act on human rights access in Malta. Their main activities include offering pro bono legal information and advice to refugees, both through community advocacy projects and aid to individual clients. For the latter, we make regular visits to detention facilities and welcome refugee clients at our offices. Additionally, they focus both on the laws and government of Malta and on addressing the EU institutions, the UN, the Council of Europe and other relevant agencies.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Malta
Facebook | Twitter
St Aloysius College Sports Complex, 50, Triq Ix-Xorrox, B’Kara, BKR 1631, Malta
Tel: +356 21 44 27 51
Fax: +356 21 44 27 52

Contact Person: Dr Katrine Camilleri

Besides project-based work in advocacy, social work services and awareness raising, JRS Malta also offers pastoral care to detainees and continues to advocate for their rights.

Organisation for Friend in Diversity

12, Triq il-kaffis, SWQ 2361 Ta’ L-Ibrag, Malta
Tel +356 27034255
Fax: +356 99840896

The Organisation for Friendship in Diversity (OFD) is a small youth-led NGO working with children and adults from local and migrant communities, to foster respect for diversity and promote social inclusion. Founded in early 2009, the objective of OFD’s members has been to help cultivate friendship amidst diversity through cultural understanding. As a forward-looking and enthusiastic team, OFD is constantly working to improve its methods and develop new ways to challenge social stereotypes that lead to discrimination.

Migrants Network for Equality (Facebook Group)

Tel: +3569928 9561/7733 4422
The Migrants’ Network of Equality is a network consisting of representatives of different immigrant communities in Malta. It was set up in 2010, aiming to promote the human rights of migrants, fight racism and work for the inclusion of migrants living in Malta.