Somalia Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Somalia.

For Somalia country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

As UNHCR statistics generally rely on data from host countries, statistics on refugees alone can give an insufficient account of refugee numbers, as some host countries will not grant refugee status to certain groups. Including statistics for individuals in refugee-like situations is an attempt to account for unrecognised refugees and does not include internally displaced persons. Statistics for stateless refugees are included if available.

Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali (GRT)
Tel.: +39 02 26 68 18 66 (Italy)
Mobile: +252 (0)9 07 79 74 14 (Puntland)
Mobile: +254 (0)7 17 72 30 89 (Kenya)
Email: (Italy)
Email: (Somalia)
Email: (Kenya)
Contact person: Massimiliano Reggi (Italy)
Contact person: Mohamud Isse Farah (Puntland)

GRT is a non-governmental organisation, established in Italy in 1968, and has activities in Somalia since 1996. They provide medical referral to health facilities, formal education for refugee children, non formal education and vocational training, and psychosocial Support to vulnerable individuals. Core business  in the area is Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and Sexual and Gender Based Violence. They currently have offices in Bosaso, Garowe, Qardho and Galkayo in the Puntland State of Somalia and in Hargeisa (Somaliland), while the regional office is in Nairobi (Kenya) and the HQ in Milan (Italy).

Hope Foundation ERRA

Bossaso Puntland Somalia
Tel: +252 09 07 12 137 or 75 90 70
Contact Person: Ahmed Jama

We provide counselling and information to returning Somali refugees and conduct research to raise awareness of the plight of refugees of other nationalities in Puntland. We advise all refugees, who are mainly Ethiopia and Somalian about the dangers of crossing the red sea through Bosaso port. We assist the rape and domestic violence cases, referring for treatment and physiological counselling to the Norwegian Refugee Council or GRT(Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali)offices in Puntland.

KAALO Relief and Development
Tel Office: +252 (5)8 44 247
Tel: +252 (90) 79 40 76
Email: or
Director: Mohamud Hamid Mohamed

KAALO Relief and Development is an organisation based in Garowe, Puntland State of Somalia that offers protection and legal aid services to refugee/asylum seekers. They also provide information on legal referral mechanisms to refugees, asylum seekers and IDPs. They regularly monitor and visit detention centers to keep track of detained refugees/asylum seekers and advocate for their release. KAALO also refers refugees and asylum seekers to their partners through which they can receive health, education, and other livelihood and protection opportunities.

KAALO continuously advocates for and supports the protection and integration of refugees and asylum seekers within local communities through advocacy and building awareness on the rights and obligations of refugees and asylum seekers. They also vigorously advocate for and facilitate the creation of a strong legal response mechanism for refugees, asylum seekers and survivors/victims of GBV.

PUNCHAD – Puntland Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

Tel: +252 (90) 20 64 03

Puntland Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (PUNCHAD) is a national, non-political, non-governmental organisation (NGO) that is registered in Puntland, Somalia, has offices in Garowe, Galkaio, and Bossasso, but their activities are coordinated from Nairobi, Kenya. They do not working directly with refugees and do not provide legal aid; instead they do advocacy that is aimed at respect for refugee rights and their ‘integration’. The Centre, an implementing partner of UNHCR, has also done training of government officials. Together with UNHCR, a national legal framework for refugees has been developed. They do not have a website but can be reached by phone and email.


Edna Adan Maternity Hospital

Edna Adan Maternity Hospital, Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland, East Africa
Tel.: 00 252 2 525 016;
00 252 2 4416 342;
00 252 213 8014

A very important goal is to fight the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) which is endemic throughout the region.