Egypt Pro Bono Directory

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Egypt.

For Egypt country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries and relevant documents, please click here.

To be legally recognised as a refugee (this process is called Refugee Status Determination – RSD), a person must satisfy the definition of a refugee as provided in the 1951 Refugee Convention.

To apply for asylum in Egypt, the first step is to register with the UNHCR Egypt: How to apply with the UNHCR Egypt
UNHCR Video: How to apply for asylum in Egypt
Use this Form to get help with any questions about how to register with the UNHCR (available in English, Arabic and Amharic)
Visit the UNHCR Country Page for Egypt

Below is a list of pro bono organisations that support refugees in Egypt and provide them legal aid.
Organisations you can contact (self-referral):

Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights   
Cairo Office: 2 Hussien El Maamar st, crossing Mahmoud Basyouni, Third floor, Down Town, Cairo
Tel: +20 (0) 2 279 22689
Alexandria Office: Building number 22, First floor, Moharem Bek, Alexandria
Tel: +20 (0) 1011722876
Contact persons: Mr Badawy 010 98 89 55 88, Mr Bayoumi (Cairo) 010 98 89 55 89
Opening Hours: Sunday – Thursday, 10am – 5pm

Legal Emergency & Interviews
01272020938 / 0225751118
2, Hussain El-Ma’mar, off Mahmoud Bassiouny St., Downtown

The Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights (EFRR) is a non-governmental organization since mid-2008. The EFRR currently provides legal assistance to refugees and migrants who are in detention and who find themselves the victims of crime (both from private individuals and public officials).

We provide all kinds of legal services to refugees:

  • We represent refugees in Civil, Criminal and legislative courts.
  • We assist refugees in producing any legal document.
  • We provide refugees with legal advice.
  • We also represent refugees in police stations, detention centres and in prosecution.

Cairo Institute for Human Rights – CIHRS

Contact person: Leslie Piquemal
the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) is an independent regional non-governmental organization which aims to promote respect for the principles of human rights and democracy in the Arab region.
Libya platform
Contact person: Nadège Lahmar / Karim Salem

StARS: St Andrew’s Refugee Services – The Refugee Legal Aid Project
English Facebook | Arabic Facebook Twitter
38, July 26th Street, Downtown, Cairo
Tel: +20 (0)225759451
Contact(s): Ibrahim Abousenna (Legal Director:, Christopher Eades (Executive Director:
Opening Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 8am – 5pm

St Andrew’s Refugee Services provides assistance to refugees from 32 different countries. Services are delivered to refugees based on need and without discrimination. The refugees themselves are involved in the administration and staffing of the program whenever possible.

Provides information, counselling, referral, representation, and advocacy for asylum seekers and refugees in Egypt.  Our legal team works to help individuals and communities understand their rights and responsibilities within the law, to identify and assist refugees with serious and urgent needs, and to support refugees through UNHCR processes including refugee status determination, protection, and resettlement.

Protection Services:
Unaccompanied & Separated Children services
Arabic, English, Tigrinya: 01033348659
Arabic, English, Somali, Amharic: 01064400281
Oromo is upon availability, we return calls if an Oromo staff is not available

Legal counselling for clients called to be scheduled for remote RSD interviews:
Arabic, English, Oromo, Amharic, Somali: 01029842820

Education Services:
Childhood Education: 01033315544

Adult Learners: 01090686538

Arabic, English, Oromo & Amharic: 01033316644
Arabic, English, and Somali): 01033316655
Arabic, English & Tigrinya: 01033316677
All languages: 01050227388

Refuge Egypt

5 Michel Lotfallah St
P.O. Box 87, Zamalek, 11211, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (02)27364837

Refuge Egypt serves refugees, migrants and asylum seekers living in Egypt who have fled their original country of nationality due to war or disaster, and who have well founded fears of return due to persecution or loss of rights. Refuge Egypt seek to provide humanitarian assistance, spiritual guidance and encouragement to help build self-sufficiency and self-respect in preparation for repatriation, resettlement or integration into Egyptian society.

Other organisations for your information (you may be referred to):
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross
IOM Egypt
MSF: Medecins Sans Frontiers
PSTIC: Psycho-Social Services and Training Institute Cairo
Refuge Egypt
Save the Children