United States of America – COI

William Armaline

Email: william.armaline@sjsu.edu

William Armaline is the Director of Human Rights and an associate professor in the Department of Justice Studies at San Jose State University.  His areas of interest include the sustainability of life on Earth, the critical sociology of human rights, political economy, critical race theory and anti-racism, critical pedagogy and transformative education, critical ethnography, inequality and youth, prison abolition, and drug policy reform. 

He has written two books, Human Rights in Our Own Backyard:  Injustice and Resistance in the United States (2011) and The Human Rights Enterprise:  Political sociology, state power, and social movements (2014), written with co-authors Davita Glasberg and Bandana Purkayastha.

Dr Kelly Pemberton

Email: kpembert@gwu.edu
Website: www.kellypemberton.com/expert-witness

Kelly Pemberton is a professor of religion and women’ studies at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Professor Pemberton specializes in the study of gender, Islam, and Muslim communities in global perspective, with in-country experience in the regions of South Asia and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa). She has worked on a number of legal cases involving refugees from Pakistan and India who have sought asylum in the UK, US and Hong Kong. Prof Pemberton is experienced in preparing a variety of research-based and evaluative reports, including expert witness reports, white papers, institutional analyses, gender analyses, concept designs, program evaluations, and guidance documents.