Japan – COI

Click here to see the host countries of refugees originating from Japan.

Prof. Harumi Befu

Email: befuh@stanford.edu

Dr. Befu is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University. He holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin. He started teaching at Stanford in 1965. Retiring in 1996, he taught/lectured in Japan, rest of Asia and Europe. He is a recipient of grants from the National Science Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Japan Foundation, Fulbright-Hays, Guggenheim, SSRC-ACLS, etc. His research interests lie in the nature of integration of rural communities with the larger society; the social and cultural aspects of Japan’s globalization; and the analysis of Japan’s national and cultural identity. 

Dr Dolores Martinez

Email: dm6@soas.ac.uk

Dr Martinez is Emeritus Reader in Anthropology with reference to Japan at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and a Research Associate at ISCA Oxford. Dr Martinez has extensively researched Japanese identity, culture and society, focusing on religion, gender and tourism. More recently she has conducted research on popular culture and the anthropology of mass media in Japan. 

Dr Mark Pendleton

Email: m.pendleton@sheffield.ac.uk

Mark Pendleton is a cultural and social historian of Japan and lecturer in the School of East Asian Studies at the University of Sheffield. He has researched extensively in the areas of 20th century Japanese and East Asian history, heritage, and politics, particularly on topics related to terrorism/political violence and historical and contemporary attitudes to gender and sexuality.