Belarus – COI

Hanna Vasilevich

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Dr Hanna Vasilevich is a Lecturer at the Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany, and the Chair of the Board at the International Centre for Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity Studies, Prague, Czechia. She  has completed her PhD thesis on Belarusian National Identity at the Metropolitan University/International Relations Institute in Prague. For over five years Dr Vasilevich worked as a Project Research Associate at the European Centre for Minority Issues (Germany). She has also been a Visiting Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast, UK, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Law & Anthropology Department of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, Germany.

Her research interests include state ideology and propaganda, identity issues, conflict resolution, inter-ethnic relations, national and religious minorities, refugees and migrants, diaspora and kin-state relations, linguistic diversity, and the issues of equality and non-discrimination with an emphasis on language and ethnicity. Dr Vasilevich has published extensively on Belarusian politics, history and culture.

Michael Hindley


Michael Hindley spent 25 years in elected politics, including three terms as a Euro-MP, when he served as Vice-President of the Trade Committee, and he is a frequent commentator on European and International Politics. He has authored two reports over recent years for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on “EU/Central Asia Relations” both of which had “human rights” chapters and both reports involved arranging hearings where NGOs made presentations about human rights in Central Asia. He has been an election observer for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Kazakhstan. He has also acted as an OSCE observer in other post-Soviet countries namely Moldova, Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine and been a guest lecturer in Russia and Ukraine. He was was a Member of the European Parliament from 1984 – 1999.

Yaraslau Kryvoi


Dr. Yaraslau Kryvoi is director of the Ostrogorski Centre, editor of Belarus Digest, and associate professor at the University of West London. Born in Belarus, he holds degrees from St. Petersburg State University, Nottingham University, Moscow State Law Academy, and Harvard Law School. He has published extensively on law and policy in Belarus, Russia, and other countries in the former Soviet Union. His personal website is

Dr Hoehne Turaeva Rano


The Expert is a Country Expert and academic with extensive fieldwork experience and providing expert reports (100+) for more than 40 firms in the UK, US, Netherlands, and Canada with areas of expertise such as but not limited to:

  • Authentication documents originating from countries of expertise
  • Country reports on the indicated countries of expertise
  • Minority groups, religious groups
  • Political, social and cultural groups: LGBT
  • Organised crime and mafia, state crime
  • Extremist and violent groups, including religious groups
  • Human rights violations
  • Women issues: honour killing
  • Human trafficking
  • Psychiatry and prison conditions
  • Disadvantaged groups e.g. children, minorities, mentally ill, disabled, terminally ill
  • Availability of medical services
  • State structure, military and security services
  • Drug dealing and trafficking